


➧➧➧ 紀錄片顯示餐廳居然看臉給座位
Restaurants really DO give the best tables to most attractive customers, new TV documentary shows ➧➧➧
♕ A documentary has exposed how restaurants rank customers according to looks - and place the people they deem to be pleasing to the eye at the front while hiding the less attractive ones at the back.
♕ Channel 4's new four-part series, Tricks of the Restaurant Trade, sent models into three top London restaurants where they were given 'golden tables' - prominent seats near the front.
♕ But those considered to be less attractive were relegated to the areas near the kitchen or toilets - or were even simply told there were no tables available.
♕ The show is presented by Simon Rimmer, Kate Quilton and actor Adam Pearson, who suffers from neurofibromatosis, which has left his face covered in dozens of non-cancerous tumours.
♕ During the experiment Mr. Pearson hired the models and sent them into the restaurants shortly before he and a friend also attempted to get a table.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


Heavy metal music can be hazardous to your health—at least, in what appear to be rare circumstances.
A 50-year-old fan who recently rocked out at a Motörhead concert developed bleeding in the brain that required surgical repair. He had celebrated the band’s signature fast tempo music by headbanging—that is, violently pitching his noggin to and fro in time to the music.
A month after the concert, the man experienced an intense headache. Doctors found on the right side of his brain a chronic subdural hematoma: an injury where blood collects under the brain’s outer protective membrane. Surgeons fixed him up. The case study is in the journal The Lancet. [Ariyan Pirayesh Islamian, Manolis Polemikos and Joachim K. Krauss, Chronic subdural haematoma secondary to headbanging]
Headbanging is usually considered relatively harmless, though it can cause whiplash or shorter-term head or neck pain. A follow-up scan of the Motörhead fan revealed that a benign cyst may have made him more vulnerable to brain injury than your standard heavy metal enthusiast. 
The study authors say devotees may maintain their headbanging habit, as such bleeds are so uncommon. Even more uncommon are brain injuries sustained at concerts featuring the music of Mozart, Mahler or even Rachmaninoff.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


This is 6 Minute English from the BBC. I’m Rob…
這裡是BBC 6分鐘英語。我是Rob...
And I’m Neil.
Today we’re talking about something we must all have an opinion on – it’s cinema etiquette. In other words, what is the right way to behave when you go to see a film at the cinema?
Yes, the cinema, the movies or the multiplex. How we behave there is different from how we behave when we’re watching a film at home – but some people seem to forget that, don’t they Rob?
Yes, some people treat the cinema like their own homes. They forget other people are sitting around them. But I’ll save my moaning for later when I’ll also be explaining some behaviour and cinema-related vocabulary.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by Finn. Hello Finn.
Hello Rob.
In this programme we’re talking about exploration – that’s a journey to a place to learn something new about it. It’s a sort of educational trip.
Yes, you may have heard about famous explorers – the people who made these journeys and learned new and amazing things – like Captain Cook or Christopher Columbus.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
As kids, many of us pondered what stars are made of. [bars of twinkle twinkle?]. Some grown-up astronomers, on the other hand, wonder about where stars came from.
Now, a study serves up a surprise. Because it seems that the smallest galaxies in the universe gave rise to an unexpectedly large proportion of stars.
The findings are in the Astrophysical Journal. [Hakim Atek et al, Hubble Space Telescope Grism Spectroscopy Of Extreme Starbursts Across Cosmic Time: The Role Of Dwarf Galaxies In The Star Formation History Of The Universe]
Most of the stars we see in the sky were formed when the universe was young, just a few billion years after the Big Bang.
So to study stellar origins, scientists use telescopes that allow them to see galaxies that are so far away, they’re essentially looking back in time.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Wheat helped create civilization in the Middle East. It’s a staple crop for 30 percent of the world’s population. And now, with the publication of four articles in the journal Science, we’re close to a detailed understanding of the bread wheat genome. 
Wheat is tough to sequence. It’s gone through multiple hybridizations, making its genome five times larger than a human one. Plus there are many redundancies: more than 80 percent of the genome is made of repeated DNA sequences. So the typical whole-genome shotgun approach—breaking genomes into segments and then reassembling them—doesn’t work for wheat. 
Instead, an international consortium devised another strategy, involving physically mapping individual chromosomes and chromosome arms.
One paper details a draft of the entire genome of bread wheat. Another identifies all the genes on the largest of the plant’s 21 chromosomes. Some 75,000 genes have been mapped. The methods in the second paper will help scientists map the remaining chromosomes. They say it should take another three years.
Knowing exactly which genes are responsible for talents such as tolerating drought or improving yields should allow researchers to mine the genome and to quickly produce new and better wheat varieties to bring us our daily bread.

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