


九成老闆用Facebook篩應聘者 💻 💻 💻
Nine in ten bosses vet applicants on Facebook
✤ Nine out of ten employers admit they always check social media before hiring applicants, it has been revealed.
✤ Ninety-three percent use Facebook and Twitter ‘to keep tabs’ on potential candidates and to vet them pre-interview.
✤ But over half (55 percent) of recruiters have reconsidered appointing someone based on their social profile – with 61 percent of these U-turns due to ‘negative’ reasons.
✤ This includes spotting use of profanities, spelling and grammar mistakes, illegal drug references, sexual posts and mention of alcohol use.
✤ The findings were revealed by recruiting software company, Jobvite, which surveyed 1,855 human resources managers in industries including engineering, IT, marketing and sales.
✤ It comes as a separate survey of 2,000 14 to 25-year-olds by Barclay’s LifeSkills found that one in five (22 percent) admit to posting pictures from nights out.
✤ One in ten – 11 percent – regularly share photographs of themselves drinking.
✤ This is despite the fact that 77 percent of young people are aware that potential employers are checking social media profiles before hiring.
✤ A quarter (24 percent) still have no privacy settings in place and a further one in ten (11 percent) are unsure if they are protected or not.
✤ LifeSkills was created by Barclays to help young people get the skills they need to enter the world of work.
✤ Kirstie Mackey, head of LifeSkills, said: ‘Employers are increasingly using social media to find out more about prospective candidates prior to meeting and making their hiring decisions.
✤ ‘In a competitive job market, it’s important to present yourself in the best possible way – both on and offline.
✤ ‘You need to be shouting about positive experiences to boost your employability such as pinning top tweets demonstrating your achievements of which you are proud.’
✤ She added that young people need to ‘spring clean’ their social media profiles.
✤ ‘It’s important to remember that what you do and say online could be seen by anyone and will be there forever,’ she said.
✤ ‘Decide which social networking sites you want to keep away from work and use privacy setting to ensure your New Year’s Eve party pictures don’t spoil your chances with potential employers.
✤ ‘Make sure you also remove/delete any social media profiles no longer in use. Just because you’re not updating your old Bebo and Myspace accounts doesn’t mean they no longer exist.’
keep tabs on: 監視,密切注意
vet: 審查
profanity: 褻瀆;不敬的言語
spring clean: 大掃除
文章來源: http://goo.gl/BKrGbH


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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Sophie…
And I’m Neil. Sophie – did you see the beautiful sky last night?
No, I went to bed early. Why?
I was wondering if there was life out there.

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【TRAFFIC交通】:road 路
1. superhighway[͵supɚˋhaɪ͵we] n. 超級高速公路(= express highway ; expressway)
Superhighways are highways for fast driving, making industrial parks feasible on the edge of a city rather than in congested downtown areas.
2. turnpike [ˋtɝn͵paɪk] n. 公路;收費高速公路
A turnpike is an expressway, which people have to pay to drive on.
3. ramp [ræmp] n. 坡道
A ramp is a sloping, curved roadway leading from one level to another.
4. roadbed [ˋrod͵bɛd] n.路基
The foundation and surface of a road is called roadbed.

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


👯 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Rob, welcome to 6 Minute English. With me in the studio today is Feifei. Hello there.
Hi Rob.
In today’s programme we’re discussing films that make us cry and why we actually enjoy watching something that makes us burst into tears – or in other words, to cry out loud. And we’ll also be looking at the language associated with crying. So, crying out loud, surely this is something that you have done Feifei?
I’m afraid yes, I have done that.
Is there a particular film that’s made you cry?

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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):


🎁 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Finn, welcome to 6 Minute English. With me in the studio today is Rob. Hello Rob.
Hello Finn.
Rob – a question for you to begin with: how do you buy your music?
Good question. Well I buy my music on CD.
On CD. Well today, in the programme we’re going to talk about the rise of what we call streaming – and look at the language of online music.

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Watt’s steam engine soon showed what it could do。 It liberated industry from dependence on running water。 The engine eliminated water in the mines by driving efficient pumps, which made possible deeper and deeper mining。 The ready availability of coal inspired William Murdoch during the 1790s to develop the first new form of nighttime illumination to be discovered in a millennium and a half。 Coal gas rivaled smoky oil lamps and flickering candles, and early in the new century, well-to-do Londoners grew accustomed to gaslight houses and even streets。 Iron manufacturers, which had starved for fuel while depending on charcoal, also benefited from ever-increasing supplies of coal: blast furnaces with steam-powered bellows turned out more iron and steel for the new machinery.Steam became the motive force of the Industrial Revolution as coal and iron ore were the raw materials。

(TPO6-Powering the Industrial Revolution)

Look at the four squares [] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage。

The factories did not have to go to the streams when power could come to the factories。

Where would the sentence best fit?

在上題 中,“liberated industry from dependence on running water”和 “The factories did not have to go to the streams”句意便發生了重合。所以我們可以確定,文中第二句話的前後應該是我們可以選擇的範圍。


這個便是經常被大家忽略的 地方。既然這句話,可以省略,那麼這個插入句究竟要符合什麼特點呢?還是以上題為例,我們發現 “liberated industry from dependence on running water”和 “The factories did not have to go to the streams”句意發生了重合,那究竟應該把插入句放在第二個還是第三個呢?這時就需要分情況討論了:

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