

 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):

🎁 中英文稿:
The sound of supernatural spirits talking? Well, no. But that’s what it sounded like to Marco Polo as he travelled through China's Lop Desert in the 13th century. He also described the sound as “a variety of musical instruments.” And in reality, the mysterious noises are the product of what could be considered to be an unusual sort of instrument—the desert’s sand dunes.
"And it's a sound that's very similar to kind of the tones you'd get on a cello." Melany Hunt, a mechanical engineer at Caltech. The dunes sing when sand avalanches down the side, "which would then be somewhat equivalent to using the bow on the strings of the cello."
Hunt and her colleagues recorded the sounds produced closer to home, by California's Kelso and Eureka Dunes. They used four dozen geophones—microphones you stick in sand. And they mapped the dunes' structure with ground penetrating radar.
Turns out, dunes that sing are built differently from silent dunes—they’re topped with an even layer of dry sand—about five feet thick—on top of all the damp sand below. And that layer of dry sand is like the body of an instrument—it traps and amplifies certain frequencies more than others. "And so really the size of the instrument is really going to set the range of frequencies that you get. And that's the same thing with this dune."
When sand avalanches, it shoots off sound waves of various frequencies. Those waves travel through the dry sand, hit the wet layer, bounce back, hit the air on top of the dune, bounce back, and so on. As that happens, a lot of the frequencies cancel out and dissipate. But certain waves have the goldilocks frequency, around 80 Hertz. As they travel back and forth, they amplify, creating that booming sound. The study is in the journal Physics of Fluids.
The bad news? Since the 'instrument' requires a uniform, thick layer of dry sand, Hunt says the dunes tend to fall quiet in the cooler, wetter months. Meaning you'll have to brave summer heat if you want to hear the dunes when they're really in tune.

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👯 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):

👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to The English We Speak with me Neil...
...and me, Feifei. In this programme, we’ve got an expression which means ’to be very rich’.
And, as usual, in order to demonstrate the meaning of something, I’m going to make a fool of myself. Now, Feifei, please describe what I’m doing.
OK, so now Neil is rolling around on the floor covered in... money.
So, Feifei, how much money does someone need to roll in it?

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):

🎁 中英文稿:
Ever wonder how the citizens of Metropolis somehow could not recognize Clark Kent once he ditched the glasses and became Superman? Well, now there’s an actual scientific explanation: When a person alters their appearance, even in small ways like adding a pair of glasses, it can indeed lessen the ability of others who do not know that person to recognize his or her face.
The study is in the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology.
Psychologists Robin Kramer and Kay Ritchie from the University of York in the U.K. showed volunteers pictures of unknown people—not celebrities. The photos came from Google Images, and featured people in various poses, with different facial expressions and changing lighting.
The participants saw two photos at the same time—either two pictures of the same person or a different person in each picture. Three possible pairs of pictures were presented: both people wore glasses; neither person wore glasses; or only one of the pair of people had glasses on.
Then the researchers asked the volunteers whether the pictures were of the same person or of two different people.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):

👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Sophie…
And I’m Neil. So, Sophie, the subject of today’s show is attraction– do you believe in love at first sight?
No, I don’t. I think it takes time to get to know somebody well enough to know if you love them. But I have a friend who says when she saw her husband for the first time…
That was before they got married?
That’s right – when they met for the first time, that was it: a bolt out of the blue. And they got married three months later.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):

🎁 中英文稿:
Turns out, education pays off. That’s true whether you’re a doctor or a lawyer – or even a mobster, according to a new study.
Researchers compared the FBI files of more than seven hundred Italian-American mafia men from the 30’s to the 40’s to other non-mob men from the 1940 census – some were neighbors, others were first and second generation Italian-American immigrants and some were U.S. born white men.
They found that mobsters tended to have a year less schooling than their neighbors – but for those who stayed in school a little longer, they tended to do better economically. More education increased their income – or moolah - by about 8 percent, on average.
The Study is the Economics of Education Review.
Of course, this shouldn’t be surprising. The mafia is essentially a corporation, involving complex organizational and numerical expertise. Weighing grams and running numbers takes more than basic math skills. And researchers found the mobsters with the highest return were the ones involved with more complicated schemes – think embezzling, racketeering and loan sharking. Their profit was about three times higher than the mobsters involved with criminal activity like robberies.

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 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):

🎁 中英文稿:
Washington state is the country’s largest producer of cherries and blueberries. The state’s wine industry is second only to California’s in value. But one non-native, nuisance bird is wreaking havoc.
The European starling was brought to North America more than a century ago, by unwitting naturalists who wanted to introduce all the birds mentioned in Shakespeare’s plays. Today, the starlings do hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of damage to Washington’s crops. But one man has taken it upon himself to get rid of the birds—without killing them.
“We’re not terminators. Our job description would be more like security guards.”
Vahé Alaverdian, raptor wrangler. It’s barely 6 A.M., but he’s been out in a field of cherry trees in Yakima Valley since much earlier. He’s working with a Peregrine falcon.
Vahé Alaverdian是一位猛禽牧人。現在是早上六點,但是他早已經到了雅吉瑪穀的櫻桃樹田地裡。他正在利用遊隼
And as long as the falcon flies over these fields, fruit-loving birds like robins, finches and starlings will not. Fourth-generation fruit grower Mark Roy estimates Alaverdian’s raptors save him a thousand dollars a day in otherwise lost produce.

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