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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Sophie…
And I’m Neil. Did you watch the Tour de France cycle race this summer, Sophie?
No, I didn’t. I’m not a cycling enthusiast, Neil – unlike you!
It was pretty exciting stuff – in fact just thinking about it, makes me want to jump on my bike and ride off right now!
Don’t go just yet, because today’s show is all about bicycles and I’ve got a question for you. Who invented the first pneumatic – or air-filled – cycle tyre in 1888?Was it …a) John Boyd Dunlop? b) Charles Goodyear? Or c) Harvey Samuel Firestone?
現在你不能走,因為今天的節目都是關於自行車的,我還有一個問題要問你。是誰在1888年發明了第一個氣胎,充氣式自行車輪胎?a)約翰•登祿普?b) 查理斯•古德伊爾?還是 c) 哈威•撒母耳•費爾斯通?
Well, I’m going to go for a) John Boyd Dunlop. Can I go now?

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🎁 中英文稿:
Animals that live in the city are usually less wary of humans than their rural counterparts. Most people think the boldness comes from experience: since the majority of humans are rather harmless, the critters learn to go about their business without fear. But the truth turns out to be far more interesting, at least for Australian swans. Turns out the city birds are genetically different from their country counterparts.
Australian researchers looked at two groups of swans. One population lived on a pond in the center of Melbourne. The second hung out just 30 kilometers away in a more bucolic setting, surrounded by far fewer humans. The researchers measured what they call each bird’s “flight initiation distance”: basically, how close could a human get before the swan would fly away?
“We found that the flight initiation distance for the swans at the urban environment was only 13 meters, and on average at the non-urban environment it was 96 meters. So that’s like an 83 meter difference, a really big difference in how wary these swans are at the two habitats.” Victoria University ecologist Wouter van Dongen.
“我們發現,在城市生活的天鵝其飛行起始距離只有13米,而在非城市環境中天鵝的平均飛行起始距離為96米。這83米的差距也揭示了這些天鵝對兩處不同棲息地謹慎程度。”瑞士維多利亞大學的生態學家Wouter van Dongen說到。
The researchers also took blood samples from some of the swans to analyze their DNA. And almost 90 percent of urban swans had the same variant of a gene for dopamine transport, while just 60 percent of rural birds had that version. And those swans were less wary of humans than were the swans with the rarer genotypes.
Dopamine influences a lot of brain function, so the gene variation could be behind the difference in swan attitudes. The study is in the journal BMC Evolutionary Biology.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Old Yeller was a great smeller. Dogs in general have superior smelling abilities. They detect dead bodies, illegal drugs and explosives—even cancer. But dogs don't just have great olfactory gear. Another reason they're amazing chemical detectors? [sniffing sound] … is the sniff.
"And it turns out almost every breed of dog does this at 5 Hz. Five times a second." Matthew Staymates, a mechanical engineer and fluid dynamicist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Sniffing, he says, is really a two-part process. “Inspiration, expiration, right? Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale." That second part, the exhale, is key.
“結果表明,幾乎每個品種的狗吸氣的頻率都是5赫茲。即一秒鐘5次。”Matthew Staymates是美國國家標準與技術研究院的機械工程師和流體動力學家。他表示,嗅是有兩個過程。“吸氣和呼氣?”吸氣,呼氣,吸氣,呼氣。第二部分,呼氣才是關鍵。
"So when the dog is actively sampling or sniffing on the ground, there is a turbulent air jet that exits each nostril during the exhale phase. Just like when you and I exhale there's an air jet that comes out of our nostrils. But the dog is down on the ground and those air jets are vectored down and toward its rear. And in the world of fluid dynamics, if I pulse an air jet in one direction I basically pull air with it." So the dog is creating a pressure differential that effectively pulls new scents toward its nose.
Staymates and his colleagues discovered that effect using a 3-D–printed model of a Labrador retriever's nose, which they tested with fluid dynamics equipment. They then outfitted a commercial vapor detector with sniffing nostrils, inspired by the dog nose. And they found that the actively sniffing detector was 16 times better at picking up the scent of explosives, compared to just continuously drawing in air—the usual method. The results are in the journal Scientific Reports.
Staymates says he hopes next-generation sensors take sniffing seriously. "There's nanosensors out there that can detect very, very small amounts of materials. One of the things that's been overlooked: is how do you get the molecules of interest to the detector? So you can have the most sophisticated detector in the world, but unless you can get material to it, it's not very useful." Adding a sniffer though…could be just the thing to make those detectors more dogged.

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👯 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):

👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Sophie…
And I’m Neil. Oh, hang on… I’ve just got a new tweet here. Listen to this: Hi Neil, about what you said the other day I…Oh, this is from a friend who doesn’t realize that regular tweets are in the public domain– and that anyone in the world could read them if they wanted to. I need to give her some lessons in cool – she just doesn’t get it!
Well, Mr Cool, I don’t get Twitter either – which means I don’t understand why people like it. Why do you want to put tweets out there for everyone to read?
You’d love it if you tried it, Sophie.
I’m not so sure, Neil. Anyway, the subject of today’s show is online identity. There are lots of social media platforms out there – Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram – and they’re all different, and the question is, do we use different identities when we are using different digital spaces? And what’s all this tweeting, posting, and hashtagging doing to our language and our psyche?
我不確定。總之,今天節目的主題是網路身份。如今有很多社交媒體平臺,如Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram,他們各不相同。問題是,當我們使用不同的數字平臺時,我們是不是使用不同的身份?這些推文、貼子、熱門標籤對我們的語言和心智有什麼影響?

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🎁 中英文稿:
The Unnatural World is the title of a new book by former Scientific American environment editor David Biello. The subtitle: The Race to Remake Civilization in Earth’s Newest Age. And that age has been dubbed the Anthropocene—in which humanity (anthro) has become, as the book puts it, a world-changing force of nature.
Biello talked about The Unnatural World recently at the BookCourt bookstore in Brooklyn. He was asked who he met in his research who stood out as someone trying to take steps to address the issues of this age.
“His name is Fan Changwei, and he is an environmental bureaucrat in a small coastal town (Rizhao) in China. And he has been tasked by his provincial government and his local government with trying to turn a city carbon neutral. So this means that would emit no more CO2 than they also kind of took in and destroyed, which is a beautiful sounding circular economy kind of concept—turns out to be incredibly difficult in practice, as Fan is finding out. And that struggle is the one that we’re all facing. And certainly it’s a struggle that, it’s more important that it happen in China than anywhere else. And maybe India right after it…
“You know, we have cleaner air, cleaner water, and that’ because we decided that we didn’t want killer smogs, and the Chinese people are deciding that right now, and perhaps the Indians will decide not to have killer smogs before they have them.”
More from David Biello about his book The Unnatural World in an upcoming episode of the Science Talk podcast.

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👯 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):

👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Sophie…
And I’m Neil.
What are you reading?
A news blog – it says here that the fossil of a two-headed dinosaur has been discovered in Greece. Look! Look at this picture!
Honestly, Neil, you shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet! This story is from one of those fake news websites that float about on social media. And you aren’t the only one to get taken in– even serious news channels report these types of stories as if they were true.

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