- Dec 01 Tue 2015 18:30
- Dec 01 Tue 2015 18:18
- Dec 01 Tue 2015 17:13
ↂↂ 研究:會說雙語的中風患者更有可能恢復認知能力 ↂↂ
ↂↂ 研究:會說雙語的中風患者更有可能恢復認知能力 ↂↂ
Stroke patients are more likely to regain their cognitive functions if they speak more than one language, new research has discovered.
A study of more than 600 stroke victims found 40.5% of those who are multilingual had normal mental functions afterwards, compared to 19.6% of patients who only speak one language.
The study was carried out by a team from the University of Edinburgh together with the Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences in Hyderabad - with the Indian city chosen as the location for the study because its multi-cultural nature means many languages are commonly spoken.
Researchers took into account other factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes and age to ensure results could not be attributed to having a healthier lifestyle.
The study, published in the American Heart Association journal Stroke, found 'results support the notion of a protective role of bilingualism in the development of post-stroke cognitive impairment'.
- Dec 01 Tue 2015 17:12
ღღღ 六句話學會fine line用法 ღღღ
ღღღ 六句話學會fine line用法 ღღღ
1. There's a fine line between drinking socially and alcoholism.
2. There's a fine line between helping your kids with their homework and doing it for them.
3. There's a fine line between dressing a little sexy and looking trashy.
4. There's a thin line between courage and foolishness.
- Dec 01 Tue 2015 17:06
♫ 托福聽力重聽題解題技巧 ♫
♫ 托福聽力重聽題解題技巧 ♫
托福聽力重聽題可大致分為兩種類型:態度題和功能題, 不同類型的重聽題會有不同的解題方式,今天將和大家分享一下重聽題的解題技巧。
❄ 態度題主要分為三大態度:贊同、消極、中立。不過托福聽力中主要以驚訝和消極態度為主,大多透過語調的轉變來實現,句子構成比較簡單。例如:
Librarian: All of the library’s databases and electric sources can be accessed through any computer connected to the university network.
Student: Really? I can’t believe I didn’t know that.
Professor: If you want to become an artist, Paris was not a good place to go; Paris is the place to go.
❄ 功能題出題點通常來源於講座中問題的提出和回答的過程中,功能題大多考查解釋說明和糾正錯誤的功能。
Professor: But sometimes certain species of birds do the exact opposite when the predator approaches they do their best to try to attract the attention of that predator. Now why would they do that?
Student: When you talk about gorilla language, do you mean like, those experiments where humans taught them sign language or a language like...
Professor: OK, wait just a minute. Now, who in this class heard me use the word "language"?
- Dec 01 Tue 2015 17:02
☄☄☄ Bingo- 發音TIPS🍵🍵🍵
American English Pronunciation Course - Lesson 1 - SEAT, SIT, SET
【Bingo教你說美語】系列之英國地方口音 第55講
How to Pronounce DEFINITELY -- American English -- Word of the Week
How to Pronounce PROBABLY - American English
【Bingo教你說美語】之音標[aʊ]的發音規則 第43講