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🎁 中英文稿:
The standard story told about domesticating wild animals goes something like this: humans selected individuals with a desired trait—docility, for example—and bred those animals together to produce offspring even more docile than their parents. Eventually the breeders created a genetic bottleneck that separated domestic animals from their wild relatives. And they brought their livestock along as they spread across Europe and Asia.
But now a group of scientists has demonstrated that the story is far too tidy—at least when it comes to pigs.
Pigs were domesticated from wild boar at least twice, in Anatolia in present day Turkey and in the Mekong Valley in China, both about 9,000 years ago. They arrived in Europe about 7,500 years ago.
For this study, researchers focused on European pigs. They evaluated more than 600 genomes from European and Asian wild boars and domesticated pigs. And they found that, in Europe, the story of a bottleneck separating domestic from wild animals does not fit the genetic data.
Rather, the model that does fit indicates that there was a frequent flow of genes from wild European boars into the domestic population. In other words, boars and pigs kept finding ways to get together. The most likely scenario for the development of the modern pig genome includes gene flow from some species of European wild boars that are now extinct. But their genes live on, on the farm. The research is in the journal Nature Genetics.

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🎁 中英文稿:
Some sea creatures can find their way through thousands of miles of seemingly featureless oceans. Even more impressive is the route that they take.
“Well, we've known for a long time that sharks are capable of long-distance migrations, and in some cases those migrations occur along very straight paths.” Scripps Institution of Oceanography biologist Andy Nosal. “And this has always begged the question : how exactly do they know where they're going?...So, there have been a lot of hypotheses floated over the last several decades, including the idea that these sharks are using, for example, geomagnetic cues, chemical cues and others . But none of these have really been systematically tested in the field.”
“很久以前我們就知道,鯊魚能夠長途遷移,並且在某些情況下,它們的的遷徙路線是直的。” 斯克瑞普思研究生海洋生物學家安迪•諾薩爾說到。“一直以來人們都未探討問題的實質:鯊魚究竟是怎樣知道自己的去向呢?因此,過去幾十年來,人們有無數的假設,例如鯊魚在利用地磁信號、化學信號等等。但是,所有這些假設都尚未得到系統地檢測。”
Nosal and his team suspected that the navigational secret of some sharks might be their sense of smell. They use their keen noses to find food, of course. And other fish, like salmon, are known to use olfaction to navigate.
To see if his hunch was right, Nosal scooped up some adult female leopard sharks in their preferred environment, waist-deep water off the San Diego coast. He attached a small radio transmitter behind their dorsal fins. And he half of the sharks by shoving cotton balls soaked with petroleum jelly blocked the sense of smell in their nostrils.
Nosal and his crew dropped the sharks about six miles away at a spot in the open ocean. The researchers then tracked the sharks as they tried to swim back home. Four hours later, the sharks that could smell were two-thirds of the way back home—and had swum in very straight paths. But the ones with stuffed noses took erratic routes and only made it about half as far.

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Men with muscly physiques are perceived as possessing stronger leadership skills than their skinnier colleagues, a new study shows.

While intelligence and level-headedness might seem more important for people wishing to exude management potential, researchers at UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business identified an overwhelming connection between physical prowess and high status.

For the published study, titled 'The role of physical formidability in human social status allocation', a selection of men underwent strength tests before being photographed. Volunteers were then shown and told they were looking at candidates newly hired by a consultancy firm.

Next they were asked to rate each man based on how much they admired him, held him in high esteem, how much they could imagine his career progressing, and how he might respond to others in his company.

“The physically strong men in the pictures were given higher status because they are perceived as leaders,” said Professor Cameron Anderson, who led the study with Professor Aaron Lukaszewski. “Our findings are consistent with a lot of real examples of strong men in positions of power.”

To ensure that men weren't being chosen based on good looks, the volunteers - roughly a 50/50 split between men and women - were also asked to rate each candidate's "overall attractiveness". The men photographed were also each dressed in identical plain white tank tops so that clothing choice did not influence results.

After that initial experiment, researchers used Photoshop to switch the heads on each body. In this round, volunteers again favoured stronger bodies – even if they were attached to a 'weak' face.

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💲 💲 💲 和錢有關的10個道地表達 💲 💲 💲
㊎ 1. break the bank 太貴,花錢太多,傾家蕩產♪
John knew that renting the ocean view apartment would break the bank, so he settled for a smaller apartment.
㊎ 2. bring home the bacon 賺錢,養家糊口♪
I can't sit around all day - someone's got to bring home the bacon. 
㊎ 3. cash in on (something) 從……中獲利,靠……賺錢;從……中撈到好處♪
Her family have been accused of cashing in on her death. 
㊎ 4. give (someone) a blank check 讓某人按自己的想法行事♪
The professor gave the students a blank check with the only requirement being that they turn in their project on time.

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  1. As long as you can still grab a breath, you fight. You breathe……keep breathing.
  【翻譯】 只要你一息尚存,就不能退縮。深呼吸,不要間斷,深呼吸。
  【解析】 勇者無懼,忍者無敵。

  2. I am not afraid to die anymore. I'd done it already.
  【翻譯】 我已經不再畏懼死亡,因為我已經死過一次。
  【解析】 未曾痛哭過長夜的人,不足以語人生。

  3. You came all this way just for your revenge huh? Did you enjoy it Glass?
  【翻譯】 你一路走來,只是為了復仇?格拉斯,你樂在其中麼?
  【解析】 仇恨的種子不需要澆水灌溉。

  4. My heart bleeds. But revenge is in the creator's hands.
  【翻譯】 我的心在滴血,但是,復仇一事乃操之於上帝之手。
  【解析】 復仇的種子,柔弱卻堅定地抓住心靈,汲取著散發著詛咒的養分

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【ANTHROPOLOGY人類學】:stone age 石器時代
1. antiquity [ænˋtɪkwətɪ] n. 古代
Antiquity means ancient times, especially the times preceding the Middle Ages.The vase is of such great antiquity that nobody knows how old it is.
2. prehistory [priˋhɪstərɪ] n. 史前時代史
Prehistory is the time in history before any information was written down.
3. Paleolithic [͵pelɪəˋlɪθɪk] adj. 舊石器時代的
Paleolithic people were hunters of game and gatherers of wild vegetables.
4. Mesolithic [͵mɛsəˋlɪθɪk] adj. 中石器時代的 (=Middle Stone Age)
The Mesolithic period is the middle part of the Stone Age, transitional between the Neolithic and Paleolithic periods. 4. 

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