「Tom 下個月要訂婚…」
VT 幫你整理英文感情狀態的所有說法
親密關係 (intimacy) 可以大致分為以下六個階段:
單身用 single 表示。單身的人可能有以下幾種狀況:
1. 眼光 (期待) 很高
形容挑選對象的眼光很高,可以說 have high expectations 或 set one’s standard too high。
I’m still single because I have high expectations for a partner.
I’m still single because I set my standards too high.
此外,也可以用 too picky 來形容找對象很挑:
Jill is still single because she’s very picky. She only dates guys between 35-45, above 180cm,especially those who have a high-paying job.
Jill 還單身,因為她很挑剔。她只和那些35至45歲、180公分以上的男性約會,尤其是那些有高薪的男人更受她喜愛。
2. 單身比較自由
I enjoy staying single because I can have more freedom.
3. 對感情慎重
對一件事情慎重謹慎,我們可以說 take something seriously,或是反過來說 not be taken lightly。
Despite a lot of pressure from her parents, she still stays single because she believes arelationship should be taken seriously/ should not be taken lightly.
迷戀的片語是 have a crush on someone,這是指對一位異性十分地著迷、崇拜,而且通常是有一定熟識的異性。此外 be into someone、have feelings for someone 也有相同的意思 。至於對不太熟的異性有興趣,我們可以用 be attracted to someone。如果是暗戀的話,只需在 crush 前加上 secret,變成have a secret crush on someone 即可。
Every little boy has ever had a crush on the cute little girls sitting next to them.
I am having a secret crush on the cute clerk working at the 7-11 on the corner of the street.
我偷偷暗戀街角 7-11 的可愛店員。
喜歡上彼此、墜入愛河可以說 fall in love with,通常是指剛開始熱戀、交往的階段。這時你們會開始約會培養感情,漸漸對彼此越來越了解,然後考慮要不要長久交往。
Bella and I only know each other for 6 months, yet we’ve already fallen in love with each other.
Bella 與我僅認識6個月,然而我們已經墜入愛河了。
至於開始約會,你可以說 start dating someone,或是 start seeing someone。至於約對方出去的說法則是 ask someone out。
A: Are you dating Betty now?
A: 你現在在與 Betty 約會嗎?
B: Yes, we’ve been seeing each other for a while.
B: 對啊,我們約會好一陣子了。Jamie just called to ask my sister out.
Jamie 剛剛打來約我姐姐出去。
在約會一陣子,也確定對方就是你的 Mr./Ms. Right 後,你們就可以對外宣稱 “we are in arelationship”,也就許多人臉書感情狀態欄會顯示的「穩定交往中」。若要額外強調「穩定」的關係,可以在 relationship 前加上 firm 或 steady 這兩個形容詞。
We are in a relationship and it’s going steady.
I’ve heard that Jun’s ex-girlfriend is in a relationship again.
我聽說 Jun 的前女友又有交往對象了。
通常交往一段日子,年齡到了、工作穩定了,雙方就會到了論及婚嫁的地步。訂婚是用 engage 並採被動用法,結婚 marry 則是主、被動用法都可以。
Geroge and Marry got engaged after his romantic proposal.
在 George 的浪漫求婚後,Mary 跟他就訂婚了。
My cousin is getting married next month. I’m glad she finally found her happiness.
文/Felix Tsai
圖/wikipedia, CC Licensed
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