✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【閱讀真題字彙 A-1】
a break with 分開 a departure from
a couple of years 兩年two years
a supremacy 至高,霸權:a dominance
abundant[əˋbʌndənt] 豐富的,大量的,充裕的plentiful
eraccelate[ækˋsɛlə͵ret] 加速;加大increase
accessible [ækˋsɛsəb!] 易接近的,可靠近的,可用的available
according to 根據depending on
accordingly [əˋkɔrdɪŋlɪ] 因此for that reason;consequently
account [əˋkaʊnt] (for) 解釋;說明explain
accumulate [əˋkjumjə͵let] 積累;積聚collect,built up
acute [əˋkjut] 敏銳的,劇烈的 intense
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adequate [ˋædəkwɪt] 充分的,足夠的 sufficient
adhere [ədˋhɪr] 黏附;膠著;堅持stick
adjunct [ˋædʒʌŋkt] 附加物addition
administered 管理managed
adorn [əˋdɔrn] 裝修,裝飾decorate
advent [ˋædvɛnt] 出現、到達arrival
adversely [ædˋvɝslɪ] 不利地;有害地,逆向/反的 negatively
advocate [ˋædvəkɪt] 宣導者;辯護者proponent
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aesthetically [ɛsˋθɛtɪklɪ] 審美地;美學地,藝術的artistically
affront [əˋfrʌnt] 侮辱,輕蔑,冒犯insult
agents 動因,代理人 causes
aid [ed]幫助help
alert [əˋlɝt] 機敏的;警惕wary,ware
allay [əˋle] 減輕,減少reduce
altered 改變 changed
alternative [ɔlˋtɝnətɪv] 替代;替代物,選擇option
alter [ˋɔltɚ] 改變;調整change
altogether [͵ɔltəˋgɛðɚ] 完全地completely
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ancillary [ˋænsə͵lɛrɪ] 附屬的;輔助的secondary
annihilate [əˋnaɪə͵let] 消滅;征服conquer
antagonist [ænˋtægənɪst] 對手;敵人enemy
antecedent [͵æntəˋsidənt] 先行的,先輩predecessor
anticipate [ænˋtɪsə͵pet] 期待;盼望look forward to
apace with 快速的,急速的as fast as
appeal [əˋpil] 吸引attraction
appealing [əˋpilɪŋ] 吸引人的attractive
apply to 應用於 used for
apply [əˋplaɪ] 應用;適用used for
appreciated 賞識,意識到 recognized
appreciation [ə͵priʃɪˋeʃən] 感激,評價,欣賞:recognition
aptly [ˋæptlɪ] 適當地appropriately
algebra [ˋældʒəbrə] 代數
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arduous [ˋɑrdʒʊəs] 艱巨的;艱苦的difficult
article [ˋɑrtɪk!] 物品,物體object
ascending [əˋsɛndɪŋ]上升,攀登:climbing
ascend[əˋsɛnd] 攀升;升高climb
ascribed to 歸功於,認為 assumed to be true of
assemble [əˋsɛmb!] 裝配;組合gather; bring together
assembling 聚集 gathering
assortment [əˋsɔrtmənt] 品種;種類variety
assumption [əˋsʌmpʃən] 確信的想法belief
astounding[əˋstaʊndɪŋ] 驚訝的 surprising
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at any rate 無論如何 regardless 不管
attachment to 傾向於 preference for
attachment [əˋtætʃmənt] 依戀;偏好preference for
attained 達到,獲得 achieved; reached
attendant [əˋtɛndənt] 伴隨的,服務員accompanying
attests to 證明 give evidence of
attire [əˋtaɪr] 衣著;服裝;盛裝clothing
attribute [ˋætrə͵bjut] 被認為;被鑒定;特徵credit; characteristics
avail themselves 利用 make use
avail [əˋvel] 有用make use
avid[ˋævɪd] 渴望的;熱心的eager
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barren [ˋbærən] 貧瘠的;不毛的infertile
bartering 交換exchanging
besides [bɪˋsaɪdz] 除此之外in addition to
bias [ˋbaɪəs] 偏見;嗜好prejudice
bind [baɪnd] 捆;綁;使結合tie
biting [ˋbaɪtɪŋ] 尖銳的 sharp
bizarre[bɪˋzɑr] 古怪的:odd
boasted 資助financed
boosted 鼓舞,提高,推進raised
bound [baʊnd] 範圍;界限;限制;系,綁limit,held,tied
break [brek] 決裂;破裂departure from
brief look 瞥視;流覽glance
bring about 導致;引起cause
brittle [ˋbrɪt!] 易碎的,脆弱的easily broken
by virtue of 由於 because of
✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【閱讀真題字彙 C-1】
calculate [ˋkælkjə͵let] 計算;確定determine
came of age 出現了,成名了 established itself
came to the forefront 來到最前線/變得很重要 became important
carried on 繼續;操作continued ;Conducted
carry [ˋkærɪ] 承擔,支撐;支持support
casts off 拋棄:gets rid of
cease [sis] 停止;結束stop
celebratory [ˋsɛləbre͵torɪ] 頌揚full of praise
celestial [sɪˋlɛstʃəl] 天文學的,天空的;天上的astronomical
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chance [tʃæns] 偶然的;碰巧的unplanned
characteristics 性質,特性qualities
characterized 不同,區別於其他:distinguished
charged with 控制assigned to
chronicle [ˋkrɑnɪk!] 記載,記錄,編年史 describe
circumscribed 限制 restricted
classify [ˋklæsə͵faɪ] 分類categorize
clear [klɪr] 暢通的;無阻的unobstructed
clue [klu] 線索;信息information
cluster [ˋklʌstɚ] 成群group
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coarse [kors] 粗糙的rough; crude
cohesion [koˋhiʒən] 凝聚力 unity
coincide with 同時,一致,符合happen at the same time
coin [kɔɪn] 創造;杜撰create
collective(-ly) 集體(共同地)group (together)
come of age 達到法定年齡;確立自身地位establish itself
comparably [ˋkɑmpərəblɪ] 可比地;相當地;相似地similarly
compelling[kəmˋpɛlɪŋ] 強迫地,又說服力的 forceful
compile [kəmˋpaɪl] 收集,積累:put together
component [kəmˋponənt] 組成部分part
compose [kəmˋpoz] 創作,作曲;創造create
comprise [kəmˋpraɪz] 包含;包括consist of
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concealed [kənˈsiːld] 隱藏著的covered
concentrate [ˋkɑnsɛn͵tret] 集中;積聚cluster
conclusive [kənˋklusɪv] 總結性的,最後的definitive
concomitant with 同時發生的,與之伴隨的 in conjunction with
concrete [ˋkɑnkrit] 具體的;特定的specific
configuration [kən͵fɪgjəˋreʃən] 結構;形狀arrangement
confine [kənˋfaɪn] 限制;局限limit; restrict
confirm[kənˋfɝm] 證實;確認uphold
conflicting[kənˋflɪktɪŋ] 對立的,衝突的;抵觸的opposing
conjectural [kənˋdʒɛktʃərəl] 猜測的;推測的based on guessing
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consciously [ˋkɑnʃəslɪ] 有意識地,故意地 purposely
consequence [ˋkɑnsə͵kwɛns] 結果result
conserve [kənˋsɝv] 保存;保護store; retain
considerable [kənˋsɪdərəb!] 很重要的;很大的;極其,相當,大量large; substantial; much; great consist 一致的,協調的constant
consistent [kənˋsɪstənt] 持續的constant
consorted 交往 associated
consort [ˋkɑnsɔrt] 結交associate
conspicuous [kənˋspɪkjʊəs] 明顯的,顯著的noticeable
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constant [ˋkɑnstənt] 持續的,一致的 consistent
constituent [kənˋstɪtʃʊənt] (-v.) 成分;要素(構成;組成)component (make up)
constituting 組成 making up
consumed [kənˋsumd] (-n) 消耗,吃掉eaten (eat)
consumption[kənˋsʌmpʃən] 消費,吃 eating
contemporary [kənˋtɛmpə͵rɛrɪ] 當代的;現有的;同時代的current; existing; written at that time continuous 連續的
convergence [kənˋvɝdʒəns] 聚集gathering
convert [kənˋvɝt] 轉換,轉變 change
converted [kənˋvɝtɪd] 修改 changed
core [kor] 核心 center
correspondingly [͵kɔrəˋspɑndɪŋlɪ] 相應地;對應地similarly
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counteract [͵kaʊntɚˋækt] 抵消;反作用negate
counterpart [ˋkaʊntɚ͵pɑrt] 複本;對應物version
counter [ˋkaʊntɚ] 克服Overcome
count [kaʊnt] 有價值;有分量weigh
crisscross [ˋkrɪs͵krɔs] 交叉穿梭;交錯往來move back and forth
critical judge of fine arts鑒賞家;評論家connoisseur
crucial [ˋkruʃəl] 關鍵的,至關重要的 important, essential
cumbersome [ˋkʌmbɚsəm] 麻煩的;笨重的burdensome
customarily [ˋkʌstəm͵ɛrɪlɪ] 通常 usually
customary [ˋkʌstəm͵ɛrɪ] 習慣的usual
✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【閱讀真題字彙 D】
dampen [ˋdæmpən] 使潮濕moisten
daring [ˋdɛrɪŋ] 勇敢的;大膽的bold
deft [dɛft] 熟練的;靈巧的skilled
deliberate [dɪˋlɪbərɪt] 審慎的;仔細的careful
delivered 呈現Presented
demand [dɪˋmænd] 要求;需求require
demise [dɪˋmaɪz] 死亡death
demonstrate [ˋdɛmən͵stret] 表明;證實,示威show
dense[dɛns] 稠密的;濃厚的thick
depend [dɪˋpɛnd] 依靠rely
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depict [dɪˋpɪkt] 描述represent; describe
depress [dɪˋprɛs] 壓低;使沮喪lower
derived from 基於,起源based on
derive [dɪˋraɪv] 得到obtain
detect [dɪˋtɛkt] 發現 discovered the presence of
detectable [dɪˋtɛktəb!] 明顯的,可探測的,可察覺的;易發現的measurable; apparent detecting 探測finding
devastated [ˋdɛvəs͵tetɪd] 毀壞的;被破壞的ruined
developing [dɪˋvɛləpɪŋ] 發展的;演化的evolving
devote to 致力於;獻身於dedicate; specializing in
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dictate [ˋdɪktet] 指示;決定determine
diffuse [dɪˋfjuz] 擴散;傳播travel
disaster [dɪˋzæstɚ] 災難catastrophe
discard [dɪsˋkɑrd] 丟棄;拋棄get rid of
discrete [dɪˋskrit] 不連續的,分泌separate
display [dɪˋsple] 陳列展示 exhibit
dispute [dɪˋspjut] 爭論;爭執argument
disseminate [dɪˋsɛmə͵net] 散佈;傳播spread/impart
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distinct [dɪˋstɪŋkt] 區別,不同:separate
distinction [dɪˋstɪŋkʃən] 不同,區別:differences
distinctive [dɪˋstɪŋktɪv] 獨一無二的unique
distinct [dɪˋstɪŋkt] 清晰的;不同的separate; different
distinguish [dɪˋstɪŋgwɪʃ] 區分;辨別differentiate
divergence [daɪˋvɝdʒəns] 差異;變化difference
diverse [daɪˋvɝs] 多種多樣的;不一樣的dissimilar; varied; different
dividing line 邊界;分界線boundary
do sth. Repeatedly 重複;反復iterate
dogma [ˋdɔgmə] 信仰,教條 belief
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domain [doˋmen] 領域;範圍field; region
dominant [ˋdɑmənənt] 優勢的;常見的most common
dominate [ˋdɑmə͵net] 支配;控制be prevalent in
drab [dræb] 單調的 dull
dramatic [drəˋmætɪk] 戲劇性的,顯著的:striking
drastic [ˋdræstɪk] (-ly) 激烈的;猛烈的radical (severely)
drastically [ˋdræstɪk!ɪ] 激烈的,徹底的severely
draw [drɔ] 吸引;引導attract; instruct
durability [͵djʊrəˋbɪlətɪ] (-able) 經久,耐久力(持久的;耐用的)endurance (long-lasting)
durable[ˋdjʊrəb!] 持久的;耐的用Strong
dwelling [ˋdwɛlɪŋ] 住處;寓所house
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eager [ˋigɚ] 熱心的,渴望的enthusiastic
eagerly anticipated 渴望,期待 looked forward to
easily moved 輕便的;可攜帶的portable
edge [ɛdʒ] 優勢advantage
effect [ɪˋfɛkt] (-iciency) 影響;效果influence (effectiveness)
efficiency [ɪˋfɪʃənsɪ] 效率 effectiveness
elaborately [ɪˋlæbərɪtlɪ] 詳盡地;精心地done in great detail
elevate [ˋɛlə͵vet] 提高;提升promote
elicit [ɪˋlɪsɪt] 得出,引出bring out
embedded 鑲嵌 encased
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embraced 歡迎welcomed
emerge [ɪˋmɝdʒ] 浮現;出現appear
emit [ɪˋmɪt] (-ing ) 發出(生產,發行)give off (produce)
emphasize [ˋɛmfə͵saɪz] 強調stress
employ [ɪmˋplɔɪ] 雇傭;應用use
enable [ɪnˋeb!] 使能夠;使可能allow; help
enactment [ɪnˋæktmənt] 演出;表演,制定,執行performance
encompass [ɪnˋkʌmpəs] 包圍,環繞 include
encounter [ɪnˋkaʊntɚ] 遭遇 meet
endless [ˋɛndlɪs] 繼續的;無止境的;無盡的Continuous
end [ɛnd] 末端;目的,目標goal
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engaged [ɪnˋgedʒd] 使用,雇傭 hire
enhancement [inˋhænsmənt] 增加/進 improvement
enhances 增強,提高 increased
ensure [ɪnˋʃʊr] 確保,保證guarantee
entire [ɪnˋtaɪr] 整個的,全部的whole
entity [ˋɛntətɪ] 實體;存在object
entomb [ɪnˋtum] 埋葬;設陷阱trap
enveloped 包圍著 surrounded 環繞地
eradicate [ɪˋrædɪ͵ket] 除去;消除eliminate
era [ˋɪrə] 時代,時期period of time
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exceptional [ɪkˋsɛpʃən!] 異常地,意外地;非同一般的;顯著地remarkable
execute [ˋɛksɪ͵kjut] 造成;製造;履行;執行create,produce
exercise [ˋɛksɚ͵saɪz] 訓練,使行使,利用utilize
exert [ɪgˋzɝt] 引起,導致,施加 cause, put
exerted 運用 applied
exorbitant [ɪgˋzɔrbətənt] 豐富的,昂貴的expensive
expendable [ɪkˋspɛndəb!] 沒有用的;消費品,可以犧牲的unprofitable ,nonessential exponential leaps 迅速上升 rapid increases
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erroneous ideas 誤解;錯誤觀念misconception
erroneously identified as誤以為;誤認為mistake
essence [ˋɛsns] (-tial) 基本(基本的) 本質,精華basic nature; fundamental
establish [əˋstæblɪʃ] 設立;創作create
estimate [ˋɛstə͵met] 評估,鑒定judge
evidence [ˋɛvədəns] 跡象;預示indicate
evolution [͵ɛvəˋluʃən] 發展,演化 development
exalted [ɪgˋzɔltɪd] 高級的,高貴的;崇高的superior
excavate [ˋɛkskə͵vet] 挖掘;開鑿dig
exceed [ɪkˋsid] 超越,勝出surpass,go beyond
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exposed to 易受影響的,受支配 subjected to
expose [ɪkˋspoz] 使暴露;暴露於subject to; uncover
extend [ɪkˋstɛnd] 延伸,擴展,增加,延長:stretch,increase
extolling 高度讚揚praising
extol[ɪkˋstol] 讚美praise
extract [ɪkˋstrækt] 提取,提煉,取得remove
extracting 提取,提煉:removing
extraordinary [ɪkˋstrɔrdn͵ɛrɪ] 非凡的;極度的supreme
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fabricate[ˋfæbrɪ͵ket] 虛構,製作;裝配make; construct
faction [ˋfækʃən] 小派系side
faded from 消失於:disappeared from
fashion [ˋfæʃən] 製造,造成,引起create
fatal [ˋfet!] 致命的deadly
favor [ˋfevɚ] 喜愛prefer
feed [fid] 供給;供應put
feel [fil] 察覺;感覺detect
finding scientific discovery
fine [faɪn] (-ly) 細微的,細小的tiny; minutely
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finely [ˋfaɪn!ɪ] 微小的 minutely
first rank 最高水準:highest quality
fixture [ˋfɪkstʃɚ] 尋常物品,固定設備;附屬裝置commonplace object
flame [flem] 燃燒的burn
flattering [ˋflætərɪŋ] 讚美;稱讚的;奉承的complimentary
flourished 繁榮,昌盛;茂盛 thrived
forage[ˋfɔrɪdʒ] 搜索;尋找食物feed, search for food
foremost [ˋfor͵most] 首要的leading
formidable [ˋfɔrmɪdəb!] 艱難地,令人敬畏的difficult
fortuitous[fɔrˋtjuətəs] 偶然的,幸運的lucky
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forward-looking 向前看的;有遠見的progressive
frame [frem] (-work) 構造;提出 (框架結構)pose (structure)
framework[ˋfrem͵wɝk] 框架,結構 structure
freeing 解除,釋放releasing
frowned on 不贊成disapproved of
functional[ˋfʌŋkʃən!] 有功能的,有用的usable
fundamental [͵fʌndəˋmɛnt!] 基礎的;基本的basic
furnish [ˋfɝnɪʃ] 供應,提供 provide
fuse [fjuz] 熔合;結合combine
✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【閱讀真題字彙 G】
gambit [ˋgæmbɪt] 策略;謀略calculated risk
gap [gæp] 缺口;縫隙;空隙open
gave rise to 引起;帶來brought about
generated 產生 cause
give way to 讓位於;變成;替代turn into ;been replaced by
glowing[ˋgloɪŋ] 發光的shining
good name 名聲;名譽reputation
gradually [ˋgrædʒʊəlɪ] 逐漸地by degrees
graphic [ˋgræfɪk] 生動的,鮮明的 vivid
grumbled 抱怨,發牢騷complained
✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【閱讀真題字彙 H】
hard to deal with 執拗的;固執的stubborn
hardiest 堅硬,最強壯的most vigorous
hard [hɑrd] 堅硬的;牢固的firm
haul [hɔl] 負擔load heart 中心center
heightened 提高,提升 increased
hemisphere [ˋhɛməs͵fɪr] 半球;半邊side
henceforth [͵hɛsˋforθ] 今後from that time
on hence 因此for these reasons
herald [ˋhɛrəld] 預示;預報,宣佈announce
hinged on 依靠depended on
hinterland [ˋhɪntɚ͵lænd] 地方;區域;腹地,內地貿易區region
homogeneous [͵homəˋdʒinɪəs] 一致的,同一的:uniform
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ideal [aɪˋdiəl] 理想的,完美的perfect
identical [aɪˋdɛntɪk!] 同樣的 exactly alike
ignite [ɪgˋnaɪt] 點燃set on fire
imitate[ˋɪmə͵tet] 模仿;偽造copy
imitation[͵ɪməˋteʃən] 模仿copying
immunity [ɪˋmjunətɪ] 免疫,保護 protection
immutable [ɪˋmjutəb!] 不可變的unchangeable
impediment [ɪmˋpɛdəmənt] 妨礙;阻礙obstacle
imperceptibly [͵ɪmpɚˋsɛptəblɪ] 不可覺察地;極緩慢地subtly
implement [ˋɪmpləmənt] 工具;器械;玩具tool
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implication [͵ɪmplɪˋkeʃən] 含義;意義significance
imposing [ɪmˋpozɪŋ] 緊迫的;緊急的;要求高的,費力的demanding
in place of 代替instead of
in reality 實際上;事實上actually
in season 應季 a particular time of year
inaccessible [͵ɪnækˋsɛsəb!] 難接近的;難達到的unreachable
inadequate [ɪnˋædəkwɪt] 不充足的:deficient
inception [ɪnˋsɛpʃən] 起初beginning
incinerate [ɪnˋsɪnə͵ret] 燃燒burn up
incise [ɪnˋsaɪz] 雕刻cut,carve
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inclination [͵ɪnkləˋneʃən] 傾向;偏好preference
incorporate [ɪnˋkɔrpə͵ret] 結合;合併combine
incriminate [ɪnˋkrɪmə͵net] 有罪blame
indeterminate [͵ɪndɪˋtɝmənɪt] 不確定的uncertain
induce [ɪnˋdjus] 導致cause
inevitable [ɪnˋɛvətəb!] 不可避免地:unavoidably
influx [ˋɪnflʌks] 流入;到達arrival
ingenuity [͵ɪndʒəˋnuətɪ] 機靈,靈巧resourcefulness
ingots 銀錠/塊 blocks of silver mixed with copper
inhibited [ɪnˋhɪbɪtɪd] 阻礙hindered
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inhibit [ɪnˋhɪbɪt] 阻止;阻礙hinder
initially [ɪˋnɪʃəlɪ] 首先 at first
initiate [ɪˋnɪʃɪɪt] 啟動,開始;引發start; cause
innovation [͵ɪnəˋveʃən] (-tive) 創新;革新(創新的)new idea (new)
innovative [ˋɪno͵vetɪv] 創新的 new
insignificant [͵ɪnsɪgˋnɪfəkənt] 不重要的,無關緊要的unimportant
instance[ˋɪnstəns] 實例;例證case
integral [ˋɪntəgrəl] 整體的;不可缺少的,必要的essential; fundamental
intense [ɪnˋtɛns] (-sive) 強烈的;(加強的,集中的)extreme (concentrated)
intensive [ɪnˋtɛnsɪv] 集中的,透徹的concentrated
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intent [ɪnˋtɛnt] 目的,意向 goal ,purpose
interchangeable [͵ɪntɚˋtʃendʒəb!] 相等的;可互換的equivalent
intermittently [ɪntɚˋmɪtəntlɪ] 間歇地periodically週期性的
intervals 間隔,週期 periods
intervention[͵ɪntɚˋvɛnʃən] 干涉,幹預;影響influence
intricate [ˋɪntrəkɪt] 錯綜複雜的complex
intriguing [ɪnˈtriːgɪŋ] 吸引人的,迷人的 attractive, fascinating
invade [ɪnˋved] 侵入move into
inviting [ɪnˋvaɪtɪŋ] 吸引人的;誘人的attractive
✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【閱讀真題字彙 J】
jolting 震動 shocking
justify [ˋdʒʌstə͵faɪ] 辯護;證實prove
key [ki] 關鍵的,重要的 important
laborious [ləˋborɪəs] 費力的difficult
lament [ləˋmɛnt] 抱怨complain about
largely renounces 基本上拒絕:generally rejects
lie [laɪ] 位於be located
link [lɪŋk] 連結,聯合 connection
littered 雜亂堆滿,亂丟 covered
load [lod] 負荷,重擔 weight
✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【閱讀真題字彙 L-M】
local [ˋlok!] 場所place
locale [loˋkæl] 場所place
lure [lʊr] 吸引,引誘:attract
magnify [ˋmægnə͵faɪ] 增加,放大;擴大,加強intensify, increase
magnitude [ˋmægnə͵tjud] 大小extent
maintaining 維持:preserving
maintain [menˋten] 維持;堅持preserve; keep
major[ˋmedʒɚ] 主要的;大型的principal
make possible 允許;使可能allow
mandated [mænˋdetɪd] 委託統治的recommended
✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【閱讀真題字彙 M】
mandate [ˋmændet] 要求require
margin [ˋmɑrdʒɪn] 邊;邊緣edge
marked [mɑrkt] 明顯的,顯著的noticeable, pronounced
means [minz] 方法 method
merely [ˋmɪrlɪ] 僅僅地,只不過only
meteoric [͵mitɪˋɔrɪk] 流星的,迅速的 rapid .
meticulous [məˋtɪkjələs] 小心翼翼的 careful
meticulously [məˋtɪkjələslɪ] 小心地carefully
milestone[ˋmaɪl͵ston] 里程碑 significant development
minuscule [mɪˋnʌskjul] 很小的;微小的tiny
minute [ˋmɪnɪt] 微小的;細微的tiny
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modifying 修改;變化,改變,限制changing
momentarily [ˋmomən͵tɛrəlɪ] 短暫的briefly
monopolize[məˋnɑp!͵aɪz] 獨佔,壟斷;佔優勢dominate
moreover[morˋovɚ] 此外furthermore; in addition
motif[moˋtif] 圖案;花紋design
mundane[ˋmʌnden] 世俗的;平凡的;普通的ordinary
myriad[ˋmɪrɪəd] 許多的;無數的many
nascent [ˋnæsnt] 新生的;初生的immature
necessitated 必需的Required
nevertheless [͵nɛvɚðəˋlɛs] 然而;仍然however
✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【閱讀真題字彙 N-O】
norm [nɔrm] 標準standard
note [not] 注意到observe
noticed 宣告,通告announced
notwithstanding [ˋnɑtwɪθˋstændɪŋ] 儘管despite; in spite of
nourish[ˋnɝɪʃ] 餵養feed
novel [ˋnɑv!] 創新的,新穎的:innovative
noxious [ˋnɑkʃəs] 有害的;有毒的harmful
obscure [əbˋskjʊr] 模糊的,朦朧的 unclear
obtain [əbˋten] 獲得;取得get; acquire
obvious [ˋɑbvɪəs] 明顯的;顯而易見的apparent
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on the threshold of 在…開始at the start
of optimal 最佳的,最理想的best
ornate [ɔrˋnet] 裝飾的,華麗的 elaborate
oscillate [ˋɑs!et] 搖擺震盪swing
oscillating 震盪,搖擺 swinging
outbreak [ˋaʊt͵brek] 爆發;開始beginning
outline[ˋaʊt͵laɪn] 總結;概括summarizing
outstanding [ˋaʊtˋstændɪŋ] 傑出的;顯著的excellent
over great distances遙遠之處faraway
oversaw [ˌəʊvəˈsɔː] 估計;預計Estimated
overtaken 趕上,超越,勝出surpassed
overtaxed 負擔沉重的:heavily burdened
✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【閱讀真題字彙 P】
partitioning 分割,劃分 division
peak 最高點,最高峰:maximum
peculiar 奇特的strange
penetrate 穿透;透過go through
people in the play 演員;劇中人物actor
periphery 週邊outer edge
permeated 彌漫,滲透 spread through
permeate 傳遍spread through
persist 堅持,持續continue
personal magnetism個人魅力charisma
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pertinent 有關的relevant
phenomena 現象;事件event
pick up 尋找;尋路follow
picking up 沿著:following
picture 圖片,想像imagine
pit 坑;窪地hole
placed 放置:deposited
plunge 投入,陷入drop
ponderous 笨重的heavy
pore 毛孔;細孔hole
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position 職位;職務job
postulate 假定suggest
potential 潛在的;可能的possible
precarious 不穩定的uncertain
precise 精確的accurate
preferred 喜歡; favored
prefer 偏好;喜歡favor
preoccupation 捲入,專心involvement
preserved 保持,保存 protected from destruction
preside over 負責;統轄;管理控制manage
presumably 推測,大概
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probably prevail 流行,盛行,支配控制,統治:dominates
prevailing 盛行的;流行的most frequent; dominant
prevent 制止;阻止
avoid primarily 主要地,根本上 chiefly
primary (-ly) 基本的;初步的(主要地)fundamental (chiefly)
prime 最初的;主要的principal
primitive 原始的undeveloped
prior to 在先;居前preceding
prized 貴重的valued
probe 探測,探查explore
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produce 產物;產品butter
prolific 多產的,豐富的 fruitful, productive (fruitful)
prolonged 延長的extended
prominent 顯著的,突出的,卓越的noticeable,distinguished (famous)
properties 特徵,特點 characteristics
proponent 支持者supporter
prospect 前景,期望;可能性:possibility
prototype 原型;範例model
protrude 突出;伸出project
protruding 凸出的 projecting
provisioning 供應supplying
pry off 查找,翹起locate, remove
puncture 刺穿;刺破pierce
pursue 追趕chase,catch
✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【閱讀真題字彙 R】
raise 飼養;養育rear
random 不可知的,任意的unpredictable
rapidity 迅速swiftness
rapture 破裂 burst
rare 稀有的;罕見的infrequent
rather than 勝於 instead of 而非
raw 未加工的,為處理的:unprocessed
readily 容易地,欣然地 easily
realization 認識;意識awareness,recognition
reap 獲得gain;接受accept
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venture 冒險;冒險行動endeavor
version 版本form
very closely 親密;密切intimately
vessel 船craft
vestige 遺跡;殘餘evidence
virtually 幾乎完全,實際上,實質地completely
want to much 貪婪的;貪心的greedy
witnessed 看到 observed
witness 目睹;目擊observe
yet 仍,至今 so far
yield 產生;產生效果;供應produce,provide
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rear 培養;撫養;飼養raise
reckless 不負責任的irresponsible
recorded 已紀錄的documented
recruit 徵募;補充enlist
refreshing 非同尋常的,清新的;清爽的,耳目一新的 unusual
regardless of 不管,不顧no matter what
related 相關的:connected
relate 相關;關聯connect
reliance 依賴,依靠dependence
remarkable 非凡的,顯著的 extraordinary,significant
✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【閱讀真題字彙 R】
renounce 拒絕reject
representative 典型的typical
resemble 類似,模仿 appear similar to, look like
resolve 解決find a solution for
resort to 採用using
restricted 限制 limited
resumed 再繼續,重新開始 began again
revered 尊敬respected
revise 修正;改造,改變change
revitalize 新生bring new life to
revolutionized 巨變,革命 dramatically changed
robust 健壯的;堅強的strong
roll back 壓低;減少reduce
rotate 轉動,改變,輪流;更迭alternate; turn
rotting 腐爛的decaying
rot 腐爛decay
roughly 概略地;大約地approximately, harshly
rudimentary 不發達的,未發展的,原始的;簡單的:undeveloped, basic
run 操縱operate
rupture 破裂;裂開burst
rushing 急流的rapid
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sanitation 衛生;健康狀態health
saturate 浸透;飽和soak
saying two opposite things悖論;雋語paradox
scale 刻度/測量,攀登measure,climb
scarce (-ly) 稀有的rare (barely)
scatter 分散irregularly distribute
scope 範圍extent
scorched 燒焦burned
score 樂譜musical compositions
scurrying 急跑,匆忙走rushing
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secure 獲得;取得;安全的acquire; safe
securing 獲得 acquiring
sedentary 久坐的,不活動的 inactive
sentiment 意見;觀點opinion
serve as 充當;擔任function as
serve 服務,適合 function
setting 建立:establishing
settle (-ed) 決定;解決(固定的)decide (stabled)
settled 固定的 stabled
set 確定;安置establish
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severe poverty 貧困;赤貧indigence
shattered 粉碎broken apart
shied away from 避免 avoided
shield 防護;避開protect
significance 重大importance
significant 有重要意義的meaningful
site 地點;場所location
skepticism 懷疑主義;懷疑態度doubt
sketching 速寫;素描drawing
skilled 熟練的;擅長的;專業的expert
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skyrocket 猛漲,突增increase rapidly
sleep briefly 小睡;打盹nap
smooth operation 順利進行effective functioning
smother 覆蓋;除去eliminate
snap 折斷;拉斷break
solemn 嚴肅的;莊重的serious
sole 唯一的;獨一的only
sort out 分類,挑選出separate
source of energy 能源;燃料fuel
source 來源;基礎Basis
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spanning 跨越 cover
span 包含cover
sparked 發動,鼓舞:brought about
spark 激發;發動bring about
spawn 產生,製造,產卵create
speculate 推測;假設hypothesize
spotting 識別 identifying
staggering 壓倒的;壓倒之勢的;令人驚愕的overwhelming
standard 標準的customary
standing 停滯的;不流動的not flowing
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staple 大宗物品;基本產品;流行的東西主要成分popular edition; basic element stationary 固定的:fixed
stimulate 激發;促進encourage
stimulating 刺激 encouraging
story 樓層;層level
strain 拉緊,重壓;疲勞,緊張 stress
strength 實力;基礎basis
stress 強調emphasize
strikingly 引人注目的Noticeably
striking 顯著的noticeable
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stringent 嚴格的;嚴厲的strict
strip 剝去remove
strive 努力奮鬥try
struggle 競爭competition
stunning 極好的 impressive 感人的,印象深刻的
subjected 受影響的exposed
subject 易受影響的;遭受影響的susceptible
subjugate 征服conquer
subscribed 訂閱,贊成 agreed with
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subsequent 後來的later
subsidizes 資助:finance
subsidy (-ize) 補助金;資助;補貼finance
subtle 輕微的,微小的;精細的slight
succinct 簡潔的;簡練的 concise
sufficient 足夠的;充足的adequate
suitable 合適的,適宜的appropriately
suitably 適宜地appropriately
sumptuous 豪華的;奢侈的luxurious
sums 總數amounts
supplanted 代替,取代Replaced
supplant 取代;替代replace; displace
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think highly 欽佩;羡慕admire
think highly of評價高
thrive 茁壯成長grow well
thriving 繁榮的Flourishing
thwarted 阻撓,挫敗 frustrated失敗的,落空的
thwart 使受挫frustrate
tolerate 忍受;忍耐endure
trace 痕跡;遺跡imprint
transition 轉變,轉換,過渡 change,convert
trend 傾向,趨勢;趨向tendency
typify 代表,表現characterize
✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【閱讀真題字彙 U】
ultimately 最後,最終eventually; in the end
unadorned 未裝飾的,平凡的 plain
unchronicled 未記錄的unrecorded
undergo 經歷,遭受 experience
underscore 強調emphasize
underwater craft 潛水艇submarine
undoubtedly 毫無疑問的,的確地certainly
unique 唯一的,獨特的particular; singular
unprecedented 空前的,前所未聞的never seen before,not existing before
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unravel 解開;闡明,揭露 discover
unrestricted 不受限制的;自由的unlimited
unsubstantiated 無確實根據的,未經證實的;未核實的:unverified
urge 催促,鼓勵encourage
usher 引導;開始beginning
varied 不同:differed
various 不同的,多樣的different
vary (-ious) 變化;改變(不同的)differ (-ent)
vast 巨大的,遼闊的:large, great
✿字神TOEFL高分每日溫習【閱讀真題字彙 V-Y】
venture 冒險;冒險行動endeavor
version 版本form
very closely 親密;密切intimately
vessel 船craft
vestige 遺跡;殘餘evidence
virtually 幾乎完全,實際上,實質地completely
want to much 貪婪的;貪心的greedy
witnessed 看到 observed
witness 目睹;目擊observe
yet 仍,至今 so far
yield 產生;產生效果;供應produce,provide