Oh, that’s cool!
Your shoes are so cool!
He is such a cool guy!
講來講去還是只會用 cool ?
趕快學學 cool 的其他說法吧!
如果你有跟老外講過話,或是有在國外生活過,會發現 cool 這個字真的很好用。稱讚人事物可以用cool ,說 I’m fine 時也可以用 I’m cool ,不知道要回什麼的時候就說 that’s cool 也可以敷衍過去。從前的我,也只會說 cool ,於是在寫日記時就像這樣:
When I opened my eyes this morning, the window displayed a beautiful painting of nature. It was ablue sky topped with some white clouds and sunshine. “Oh, cool! Today’s gonna be cool!" I said, andjumped off the bed to get ready. I want to hang out with Jake, a cool guy and the best friend of mine.
今早睜開眼睛,映入眼簾的是窗外的美景。藍天,加上白雲和陽光的陪襯,如同一幅美麗的畫。「噢,酷!今天一定會很棒!」我說著,起身準備出門。我要跟 Jake 出去閒晃,他是個很酷的人,也是我最好的朋友。
Me: “What’s up, Jake?"
Jake: “Hey, Jack, what’s up?"
Me: “Dude, are those the new Nike SB you’re wearing? So cool!"
Jake: “Yeah dude, I went shopping yesterday and found them pretty cool, so I bought them. And I cansee that you’re wearing a new jacket. That’s cool!"
我:「欸,你穿得是最新的 Nike SB 鞋嗎?太帥了吧!」
After the little chat, we took off to the theater and watched Furious 7.
Me: “What do you think of the movie?"
Jake: “That movie was definitely the coolest! Vin Diesel was so cool!"
Me: “Yeah I know! The scene which they drove the car and flew through those skyscrapers was socool!"
Jake: “It’s so sad that Paul Walker passed away. He was a cool guy."
Me: “Yeah, seriously."
We didn’t do anything special for the rest of the day, just hung around and talked. However, it’s alwaysgood to relax and chill with your best friend.
全部都用 cool 雖然也可以通,卻顯得單調乏味,意思的表達也沒那麼到位。所以趕快來學學以下的單字吧!
1. Sweet
Mr. Lin didn’t assign any homework today. Sweet!
Sweet 也可以用來形容穿著喔!
2. Awesome
The concert last night was awesome! Some of my favorite pieces were performed.
你以為 awesome 只能用在平常的對話嗎?來看看歐巴馬總統是怎麼在演講中使用這個字的吧!
3. Chill
平常表示寒冷的,也可以表示很酷。還有其他的意思像是 chill out 表示 calm down, chill withsomeone 表示 hang out with someone。
Collin’s unique way of thinking made him a chill guy.
Collin 的酷在於他不同凡響的思考方式。
上面所提到的 chill out 該怎麼使用呢?來看看這部影片的例句吧!
4. Dope
The new Supreme x Champion collab hoodie is hella dope.
那件新的 Supreme 和 Champion 聯名帽T實在太潮了。
Dope 可以用來形容很酷,但別誤以為所有毒品都可以形容很酷,亂用的話會很好笑喔!
6. Legit
其實是從 legitimate 演變成口語的用法。一般是指合法的、正統的、正當的,口語上也可以當 cool 使用。
What’s the name of this song? It’s legit!
注意,如果是用 seems legit 或是 sounds legit 的話,則是用來反諷一些事情很明顯是假的。
If I take this pill I’ll grow 10 cm taller in one month? Well…seems legit.
Legit 是南加州特有的流行語嗎?似乎不是喔!來看看北加州人怎麼反應。
7. The Shit
這個用法跟 shit 有完全相反的意思,如果你說 something is shit 代表那東西很爛,但如果用 somethingis the shit 則代表那東西是最酷最屌的了。
VoiceTube is the shit! It made English learning such a fun thing to do.
VoiceTube 超棒的!它讓英語學習輕鬆愉快。
除此之外, the shit 也常常用來表示加強語氣,例如 I beat the shit out of him 表示我把他打得落花流水,下面的影片也秀了一個例子。
8. Badass
That dunk by Lebron James was so badass!
Lebron James 剛剛那球灌籃真是太猛了!
在名校演講一定要很嚴肅和端莊?大錯特錯!趕快來看看史上最 badass 的演講!
9. Sick
大家都知道 sick 是生病或是噁心的意思,但它也可以用來形容很酷、很屌。有點類似我們中文有時候會用很噁來形容某些人在某些方面強到一個有點變態、不合理的境界。
That dance move was so sick! Can you do it again?
10. Swag
這個字來自 swagger,表示一個人的風格和態度。後來被廣泛用來形容一個人在穿著或言行舉止上面很有自己的特色。
Eminem’s got swag. No one is able to compete with his strong attitude.
現在你知道 swag 是什麼意思了,那你知道 swog 是什麼嗎?快來看看 swag 被濫用後的下場吧!
When I opened my eyes this morning, the window displayed a beautiful painting of nature. It was ablue sky topped with some white clouds and sunshine. “Oh, sweet! Today’s gonna be awesome!" Isaid, and jumped off the bed to get ready. I want to hang out with Jake, a chill guy and the best friendof mine.
今早睜開眼睛,映入眼簾的是窗外的美景。藍天,加上白雲和陽光的陪襯,如同一幅美麗的畫。「噢,天氣真好!今天會是美好的一天!」我說著,起身準備出門。我要跟 Jake 出去閒晃,他是個很酷的人,也是我最好的朋友。
Me: “What’s up, Jake?"
Jake: “Hey, Jack, what’s up?"
Me: “Dude, are those the new Nike SB you’re wearing? So dope!"
Jake: “Yeah dude, I went shopping yesterday and found them pretty tight, so I bought them. And I cansee that you’re wearing a new jacket. That’s legit!"
我:「欸,你穿得是最新的 Nike SB 鞋嗎?太帥了吧!」
After the little chat, we took off to the theater and watched Furious 7.
Me: “What do you think of the movie?"
Jake: “That movie was definitely the shit! Vin Diesel was so badass!"
Me: “Yeah I know! The scene which they drove the car and flew through those skyscrapers wasso sick!"
Jake: “It’s so sad that Paul Walker passed away. He’s got swag."
Me: “Yeah, seriously."
We didn’t do anything special for the rest of the day, just hung around and talked. However, it’s alwaysgood to relax and chill with your best friend.
以上完全沒有用到 cool ,整體來講卻增添了更多色彩,情緒的表達也更貼切了。同樣的道理也可以用在其他單字上喔!多學習與運用各種單字的同義字,適時的替換詞句,對英文寫作來說很加分。下次自己在寫文章時就試試看吧!
怎樣學單字才 Cool ?
文/ Jack Lu
圖/ Pixbay, CC Licensed
來源/ Urban Dictionary, Trevor Pertle
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