🎁 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):http://online1.tingclass.net/voaspe/2014/20140904sa_tech.mp3
🎁 中英文稿:
You post photos on social media sites for the enjoyment of your family and friends. But your snapshots are also a potential gold mine of information about what you spend money on for those sites and the companies that advertise on them.
Artificial intelligence software is on the horizon that can spot brands like Nike or Coke even in images without text or tags. Google, Facebook and other deep-pocketed investors are accelerating this software's development. Even startup photo-sharing service Pinterest got in on the action earlier this year by buying the even more 「start-uppy」 VisualGraph, whose software could be used to find and link photos with similar content.
In general the software winning these investments uses machine vision, image recognition and/or visual search algorithms to identify objects and shapes as well as textures. One startup called Ditto Labs makes a search engine that specifically examines digital images for logos and brands.
通常那些可以贏得投資商青睞的軟件都是使用機器視覺、圖像識別和視覺搜索算法,來對目標、其形狀和紋理材質進行識別的。有一家名叫Ditto Labs的創業公司研發了一個搜索引擎,該搜索引擎是專門用來檢索數字圖像中的商品的商標或品牌的。
So next time you're chowing down in McDonald's, smile for that selfie. You're feeding that company's bottom line and probably helping a tech startup earn its next million. On second thought, why are YOU smiling?
— Larry Greenemeier
因此,下一次你要是當你在麥當勞大吃大喝,並微笑著玩自拍時,這樣做無異於是在為麥當勞公司增加收入,或許還是在幫助某一個科技創業公司賺取下一個一百萬。仔細考慮一下,你為什麼笑呢?——拉里‧格林邁耶— Larry Greenemeier