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🎁 中英文稿:
Animals that live in the city are usually less wary of humans than their rural counterparts. Most people think the boldness comes from experience: since the majority of humans are rather harmless, the critters learn to go about their business without fear. But the truth turns out to be far more interesting, at least for Australian swans. Turns out the city birds are genetically different from their country counterparts.
Australian researchers looked at two groups of swans. One population lived on a pond in the center of Melbourne. The second hung out just 30 kilometers away in a more bucolic setting, surrounded by far fewer humans. The researchers measured what they call each bird’s “flight initiation distance”: basically, how close could a human get before the swan would fly away?
“We found that the flight initiation distance for the swans at the urban environment was only 13 meters, and on average at the non-urban environment it was 96 meters. So that’s like an 83 meter difference, a really big difference in how wary these swans are at the two habitats.” Victoria University ecologist Wouter van Dongen.
“我們發現,在城市生活的天鵝其飛行起始距離只有13米,而在非城市環境中天鵝的平均飛行起始距離為96米。這83米的差距也揭示了這些天鵝對兩處不同棲息地謹慎程度。”瑞士維多利亞大學的生態學家Wouter van Dongen說到。
The researchers also took blood samples from some of the swans to analyze their DNA. And almost 90 percent of urban swans had the same variant of a gene for dopamine transport, while just 60 percent of rural birds had that version. And those swans were less wary of humans than were the swans with the rarer genotypes.
Dopamine influences a lot of brain function, so the gene variation could be behind the difference in swan attitudes. The study is in the journal BMC Evolutionary Biology.

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👯 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Rob, welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by Jennifer.
Hi there, Rob.
Thanks for joining me. Now, this year the BBC is looking into the future, in key areas of science, politics, education and our personal life in a series called ’What If…’. One of the questions it’s asking is ’What if everyone had a car?’ and that’s what we’re discussing today and we’ll be looking at some of the language associated with driving and traffic.
Well, living in London, I know all about traffic, especially traffic jams – that’s where too many cars, lorries and buses get stuck in long queues on the road.
Yes, they are stuck together, just like jam! And it’s a big problem in cities around the world.It could be the situation that one day, all the traffic becomes one long queue and we have a global traffic jam! Today, we will be hearing about some possible solutions that may prevent this problem from happening. But first, I think it’s only fair that we begin today’s journey with a question.

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Oscars 2016: Jennifer Lawrence out-earns the other nominees

Jennifer Lawrence is the highest-earning actor or actress to earn an Oscar nomination in this year’s awards, according to Forbes’s magazine. The magazine, which publishes an annual list of the top-earning male and female actors, lists Lawrence as the world’s highest-earning actress, after she netted $52 million before tax last year.

Lawrence is the only Best Actress or Supporting Actress nominee to appear on Forbes’s list: none of the other nominees’ 2014-15 earnings met their $6m mimimum for inclusion. In fact, she made more money last year than all her fellow Best Actress nominees put together.

As Forbes point out, if Lawrence wins the award, it will be first time that an actress has won an Oscar in the same year as becoming the world’s highest paid, though former list-topper Sandra Bullock came close in 2014, when she was nominated for a Best Actress award for her role in Gravity.

Nonetheless, it seems that awards do matter more financially to women than to men; a closer look at the figures suggests that actresses may be expected to have won a major award before they can break into a higher pay bracket. While overall pay for women is lower, the highest-earners are more likely to have an Oscar than not to have one: eight out of the top 15 highest-paid actresses have won Academy Awards.

But for men the reverse is true: none of the top 15 highest-earning male actors has ever won an Oscar. Even accounting for the presence of three Bollywood stars on the list (Bollywood films are rarely major Oscar contenders), the gap is still surprising.

It looks likely that Leonardo DiCaprio (ranked at number 13) will be the first among them to snag a trophy. DiCaprio is the highest-earning male acting nominee at this year’s Oscars, but still earns far less than Lawrence’s $52 milllion, pocketing a paltry $29 million in 2014-15.

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✿ 托福寫作備考之“時間軸式”複習法 ✿


➣ 寫作備考——1個月
● 綜合寫作篇
1. 單字的拼寫,邊打字邊檢查;

2. 三單的問題,也就是每句話的動詞要重點關注語態和時態;

3. 不能出現與閱讀內容連續超過 6 words的重複,也就是說寫作中需要用到閱讀內容時必須要自己改寫;

4. 注意聽力內容的轉述,不要盲目概括,要清楚聽力內容的邏輯;

5. 不要去套用網路上盛行的各種範本,自己的創新更重要;

P.S. 有些同學遇到聽力一遍聽不懂的情況,最好再去重聽幾遍補充筆記,聽力內容大體掌握後,再去寫作,畢竟綜合寫作部分聽力內容的轉述才是關鍵。

● 獨立寫作篇


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The time you spend at the office may be the most stressful part of your day, but it doesn't have to be. 

You have a greater ability to shape your office environment than you may realize. 

* Take breaks throughout the day. It will help clear your mind and relieve pressure. Something as simple as going to the water cooler for a drink may do the trick. 

* Enroll in a noontime or an after-work exercise class. This will give you a chance to unwind and a way to relieve stress. 

* To help your workday go smoothly, try pacing your activities: Do more demanding work in the morning, when your energy level is higher, and easier work later in the day, when you may be tired. 

* Try listening to music recordings, such as a pounding surf or songbirds, to help you relax. Such tapes are sold commercially. Use headphones if you'll be listening to them in the middle of the workday. 

* Get to work early or stay late once a week. You may be able to accomplish more when you vary your routine. 

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╠╣ 提高托福口說 自言自語有奇效 ╠╣

一般來說,衡量一個人英語口頭表達能力主要看以下幾個方面:(1)語言的準確性(accuracy)和得體性(appropriateness);(2)語音(pronunciation)的語調(intonation)是否正確,口齒是否清楚;(3)話語組織(discourse management)是否合理;(4)口語表達的流利程度(fluency);(5)語法(grammar)是否正確,用詞是否恰當,語言是否符合英語表達習慣。這些是衡量英語會話能力的主要標準,針對這些標準,要提高英語口頭表達能力,就要採取相應的訓練方法,方法恰當了,就能起到事半功倍的效果。

⊠ 何謂“自言自語法”?

⊠ 如何巧用“自言自語法”




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