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Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
And I’m Neil.
What are you eating, Neil?
It’s a chocolate chip muffin.
How many calories do you think it contains?
I have no idea.
Check the packet.
It’s hard to find the calorie content amongst all the other information here. Ah, here we go: 450.
That’s a lot! Are you sure you should be eating that?
Why not? I expect I cycled off quite a few calories on the way to work.
Well, that depends on the length of your journey and how much energy you expended – or used up. Now, on today’s show we’re talking about food and the exercise it takes to burn off calories. And I have a question for you, Neil: How long would you have to walk to burn off the calories in a quarter of a large pizza? Is it…a) 33 minutes? b) 53 minutes? c) 83 minutes?
這取決於你路程的長短以及你消耗的能量。今天節目的主題是關於食物,以及鍛煉能夠燃燒多少卡路里。我有一個問題要問你,尼爾。你需要走多少路才能消耗掉四分之一披薩的熱量?a) 33分鐘路程?b) 53分鐘路程?還是c) 83分鐘路程?
I’ll go for a) 33 minutes. That sounds quite enough considering if you ate the whole pizzait would mean walking for 132 minutes to burn off – or use – the calories. And that’s over two hours!Well, we’ll find out later on whether you got the answer right or not, Neil.
But be warned – people are bad at estimating how many calories there are in food.Now, the Royal Society for Public Health here in the UK is concerned that people don’t read the information on food packagingbecause the text is so dense – it means, tightly packed.
Well, I never look at food labelling when I’m shopping for food. How about you, Alice?
Well, personally, I like to make an informed choice about what I put in my body, Neil!And informed means based on an understanding of the facts. So I spend a lot of time reading the packaging.And I think the current traffic lights are a great idea.
對我而言,瞭解了進入身體的食物資訊後,我才會作出購買選擇。 informed是指基於對事實的瞭解所以我會花很長時間閱讀包裝上的資訊。我覺得紅綠燈是個很好的想法。
Traffic lights? What are you talking about?
It’s where food content is colour-coded red, orange or green – like traffic lights – depending on its percentage of fat, sugar, and salt. So you can see at a glance which pizza on the supermarket shelf is better for you. This helps the consumer to make an informed choice.
To see at a glance means to understand something immediately. Well, my informed choice is based on which pizza has the most pepperoni on it. I had no idea food companies were putting traffic lights on their food packaging!
see at a glance 是指快速瞭解某物。我的知情選擇是基於哪個披薩上面的義大利臘香腸更多。我從來不知道食品公司還在包裝上標注了紅綠燈!
Yes, and that’s not all, Neil. There are now plans to put an icon – or simple picture – of someone running plus the time it would take to burn off the calories contained in a particular food item on the front of packaging. Let’s hear what some consumers on the streets of London thought about this idea.
I would think twice about buying crisps if I have to run 19 minutes just to burn the calories I ate.
I’d either consider working out those 19 minutes or not eating the crisps at all.
Two people who would think twice about whether to buy crisps if they knew how long it would take to burn off the calories.
And think twice means to think carefully about doing something before you do it. But, to be honest, I want freedom to do what I feel like. Even if they put a label on the food I think I’d exercise if I wanted to exercise, but I think I’d still have a packet of crisps if I wanted a packet of crisps.
That’s fine so long as you are clear about how active you need to be to eat what you do and not put on weight.
But a healthy diet isn’t just about calories is it? I wouldn’t need to cycle to work to burn off a diet cola, but drinking a fresh orange juice would be a healthier choice – even though it contains more calories.
Well, that’s a good point. Let’s listen now to Shirley Cramer, Chief Executive at the Royal Society for Public Health, talking about why she thinks the new labelling is necessary.
很好。我們聽聽英國皇家公共健康學會的負責人Shirley Cramer的看法,她會講述為什麼她認為新的標注方法很有必要。
We’ve got 60% of the UK population either overweight or obese. We have a very, very urgent problem. We have a growing population, literally, and we need to have a lot of tools in our toolbox, a lot of new strategies, I think, in order to support people to make good choices.
Shirley Cramer of the Royal Society of Public Health. So, she says we need lots of tools – or strategies –to help tackle obesity in the UK. And linking energy content in food to physical activity is just one tool in the toolbox, so to speak.
上述是英國皇家公共健康學會Shirley Cramer的看法。她說我們需要更多的策略來解決英國的肥胖問題。將食物中的能量與運動結合在一起是工具箱中的工具之一。
Indeed. Now, I think it’s time for the answer to today’s quiz question, Neil. I asked you: How long would you have to walk to burn off the calories in a quarter of a large pizza? Is it… a) 33 minutes? b) 53 minutes? Or c) 83 minutes?
沒錯。我覺得是時候公佈問題的答案了,尼爾。我問你:你需要走多長時間的路才能消耗掉四分之一披薩的熱量? a) 33分鐘路程? b) 53 分鐘路程? Or c) 83 分鐘路程?
And I said a) 33 minutes.
我選的是a) 33分鐘路程。
And you underestimated, I’m afraid, Neil! The answer is c) 83 minutes. This figures comes from Shirley Cramer, Chief Executive of the Royal Society for Public Health. Writing in the British Medical Journal, she argues that food should be labelled with the equivalent exercise needed to burn off its calories. This would give consumers an immediate link between food’s energy content and physical activity that might help to reduce obesity.
你低估了,尼爾。正確答案是 c) 83 分鐘路程。這一資料來自英國皇家公共健康學會的Shirley Cramer。她在英國醫學雜誌上寫道,應當在食品包裝上標注燃燒掉食物中卡路里所需的運動量。這會使得消費者清楚地瞭解食物所含的能量,以及減肥所需的運動量。
Note, Alice, that I’ve put my muffin to one side. You’ve convinced me to eat more healthily and I’ll be eating a green salad for lunch.
I’ll believe that when I see it, Neil.
OK, here are the words we learned today:
expended 消耗
burn off 燃燒掉
dense [dɛns] 密集的
informed [ɪnˋfɔrmd] 知情的
see at a glance 看一眼
icon [ˋaɪkɑn] 圖示
think twice 再三考慮
tool [tul]  工具 



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