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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
And I’m Neil.
Have you ever played SimCity, Neil – the city-building computer game?
Yes, but I wasn’t very good at it. I didn’t build enough houses, which created a lot of homeless Sims– those are the characters in the game. And then I didn’t deal effectively with a flood…
Really? Well, I suppose managing a city is quite a challenge– which is the subject of today’s show: cities of the future– an important subject as so many of us now live in urban areas. I want to start with our quiz question: What is the percentage of the world’s population that will be living in cities in 2050? We’re dealing with approximates here.Is it…a) 10%? b) 50%? Or c) 70%?
真的嗎?我覺得管理一座城市真的是個挑戰,這也是今天節目的主題,城市的未來這個話題很重要,因為大多數人都居住在城市。首先來看今天的問題:2050年世界將有多少人口居住在城市?我們只是說大概的數量。a) 10%? b) 50%? c) 70%?
I think that it’s a) 10%.
我覺得是a) 10%。
Well, we’ll find out if you’re right or wrong later on in the show. Now, you’ve encountered a couple of issues that might face urban planners when designing a city, Neil – housing and dealing with a flood. Can you think of any others?
Yes. Having decent cycle lanes. Good transport networks are very important.
Yes indeed, and if people could get around easily on foot, or by bike, or by public transport, roads would be less congested – or overcrowded – and less polluted. That sounds rather utopian to me though.
A utopia is an imaginary place where everything is perfect. But Copenhagen is pretty utopian, Alice - the air is clean, there are bike lanes everywhere.
That sounds fantastic, but what about somewhere like Beijing with its constant smog – or air pollution – hanging over the city? A lot of people ride bikes there too. So which city is going to be the model for the future?
Maybe like the future Los Angeles in the movie Blade Runner– you know, glittering high-rises, gigantic neon billboards, flying cars…
Well, today’s Los Angeles has terrible urban sprawl and traffic problems.
Urban sprawl is the way a city spreads into undeveloped land around it, often without planning permission.
Dr Janice Pearlman can explain why this happens. She is the founder and president of the Megacities Project non-profit organization in Rio de Janeiroand knows a lot about urban sprawl in Brazilian cities.
Janice Pearlman 可以解釋為什麼這種情況會發生。她是里約熱內盧非盈利組織大都市計畫的創始人和會長,很瞭解巴西城市擴張的狀況。
People are coming massively into the cities which have no housing that’s affordable to them. So they can’t rent and they can’t buy, and they end up building their own communities and houses on unoccupied land. And these communities are becoming in some places the majority not the minority and they’re off the grid so they’re not often serviced by either the social services but also many of them don’t have water, sanitation and electricity.
People migrate – or move – from the countryside to the city to get better opportunities, but end up with nowhere to live.
So they build their own housing on unoccupied land. These shanty towns – poor communities where the houses are built out of cheap materials like corrugated iron and plastic sheeting – are often off the grid…
Which means they don’t have an electricity or water supply – or access to healthcare and education. And these communities are growing, so the problem is getting bigger. So are there any solutions, Alice?
Well, it’s all about improving the infrastructure. That’s the basic facilities a town or city needs, for example: communication, transport, water, and electricity. But this shouldn’t only mean improving housing conditions, but also promoting education and employment among the inhabitants, and building better communities.
That sounds like a real headache for the urban planners.
You’re right there. And one thing urban planners are talking about at the moment is creating ’smart cities’. John Rossant, founder and chairman of the non-profit organisation New Cities Foundation, explains what it is.
沒錯。城市規劃者如今常常提及的是創建“智慧城市”。John Rossant是非營利組織新城市基金會的創始人和主席,他會解釋什麼是智慧城市。
I think, you know, generally it’s accepted that cloud computing, ubiquitous internet, robust 5G networks etc, will transform our cities, whether they’re in the global south or the developed world.And, you know, technology is really a game changer, I think, in urbanisation.
John Rossant there. What’s ubiquitous, Alice?
上述是John Rossant的觀點。什麼是 ubiquitous?
It means available everywhere. So, the idea behind smart cities is to use technology to collect large amounts of data about how a city is performing.
And that will be a game changer – significantly affecting the way our cities function. Hope for the future, Alice?
Fingers crossed. Now, I think it’s time for the answer to today’s quiz question, Neil. I asked: What is the percentage of the world’s population that will be living in cities in 2050? And remember I said we are dealing with approximates here? Is it… a) 10%? b) 50%? Or c) 70%?
讓我們一起祈禱。我覺得是時候公佈問題的答案了。我問你:2050年世界有多少人口會居住在城市?還記得我說的是估計的數字吧。a) 10%? b) 50%? 還是 c) 70%?
And I said a) 10%.
我選的是a) 10%。
Yes, and you underestimated there, Neil. The right answer is actually c) 70%. This, according to a report by the United Nations. Today 54% of the world’s population lives in urban areas.
好吧,你太低估這個數字了。正確答案是c) 70%。這是依據聯合國的一份報告。如今全世界已有54%的人口居住在城市。
A lot really!
Well, I know we’re running out of time, so let me repeat the words we learned today. They were:
congested 擁擠的
utopia 烏托邦
smog 霧霾
urban sprawl 城市擴張
migrate 遷移
shanty towns 棚戶區
off the grid 脫離城市
infrastructure 基礎設施
ubiquitous 無處不在的
game changer 規則制定者
Well, that’s the end of this edition of 6 Minute English. Join us again soon! Meanwhile, visit our website: bbclearningenglish.com, where you’ll find guides to grammar, exercises, videos and articles to read and improve your English.

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