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👯 中英文稿:
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
… And I’m Rob.
So Rob, did you get that research done that I asked you to do over the weekend?
Oh … It was at the top of my to-do list. But Sunday night came around so quickly, and I just – you know – I didn’t get round to it.
Rob! If I’d known you weren’t going to do the research, I’d have done it myself. What did you actually do at the weekend, anyway?
Oh, you know, this and that. It’s funny how time slips by without you noticing.
Hmm, yes. I bet you spent the whole weekend watching cat videos on YouTube – and googling your own name.
What? That’s unfair and untrue, Alice – well, mostly untrue, anyway– I did some shopping and I fixed my bike as well as watching videos and googling myself.
Well, perhaps I should say at this point that today’s show is about procrastination, which means not doing something you’re supposed to do.
Well, I do feel bad about my procrastination actually.
Well, that’s good to hear. But let’s move on now and hear today’s quiz question:Can you tell me which American said: ’You may delay, but time will not?’ Was it…a) John F Kennedy? b) Benjamin Franklin? Or c) Franklin J Roosevelt?
聽你說這個很欣慰。我們繼續談,聽聽今天的問題:你能告訴我是誰說的“時不我待”這句話嗎?a) 約翰甘迺迪? b) 本傑明佛蘭克林?還是 c) 佛蘭克林羅斯福?
OK. I think I’ll go for a) John F Kennedy because I reckon he was good at making to-do lists and then getting on with them.
我要選a) 約翰甘迺迪,因為我知道他非常擅長做計畫,然後按計劃行事。
Unlike somebody I could mention.
Alice, I thought we were going to move on?
Alright then.
Personally, I think it’s important to try and understand why we procrastinate.So let’s hear from Daphna Oyserman, Professor of Psychology, Communication and Education at the University of Southern California, talking about this.
我覺得嘗試瞭解我們拖延的原因是很重要的。我們來聽聽Daphna Oyserman的觀點。他是南加州大學心理學、溝通及教育系的教授。
People spend most of their time focussed on the present, which makes perfect sense because the present is now, and for sure. Unfortunately, many things that are quite important about the futurerequire that we start doing things now rather than waiting for later to happen. Things like saving for retirement, studying for college entry exams, revising papers, preparing for work reports. Unfortunately, waiting till later means that we won’t have much time.
So, we are too focussed on the present, and reluctant to engage in tasks that relate to the future. Why’s that, Rob?
Well, like Professor Oyserman says, things in the future may never happen – or seem too far off for you to take seriously. For example, when you’re young, sorting out a pension plan doesn’t feel like a priority– or something that’s more important than other things.
But according to a new study, if you think about time in smaller units – so days, for example, rather than months or years– you are likely to start a task more quickly.
So, this weekend I wasted two days…
Or 2,880 minutes.
That does sound more urgent, when you put it like that.
Yes. And you need to minimize – or reduce – distractions. Turn off your tech and knuckle down to your tasks, Rob.
To knuckle down, by the way, means to start working hard. But Alice, sometimes it’s hard to knuckle down to a task when you don’t know how to start it – or you’re scared to start it – or sometimes just because you know it’s going to be really tedious – and that means boring.
knuckle down是指開始努力工作。但是愛麗絲,有時很難認真完成任務,當你不知道如何開始或害怕開始,或你知道任務很無聊的時候。
Yes. So what’s your excuse, Rob?
Well, it’s boredom, usually.
You should try temptation bundling.
Temptation bundling - what’s that?
Temptation bundling means doing two activities together– one you should do but are avoiding, and one you love doing which isn’t productive.
For example, eating biscuits while I work?
Yes, that’s right. That sounds like a good one for you, Rob.
It might be a good idea actually. Well, let’s listen to Dr Catherine Loveday talking about how we often underestimate how long things will take us.
也許真的是一個好主意。我們聽聽Catherine Loveday講述我們如何預估某件事會花費我們多長時間。
There’s this thing called the planning fallacy. My favourite one is always the example of the Oxford English Dictionary that they started in 1857 and it was supposed to take five years, but five years later they’d only got to the word ’ant’. In the end it took another 70 years and then it was out of date and they had to start again anyway. We never seem to get any better at judging time in the future and how long things will take us.
That’s Dr Catherine Loveday. So what’s a fallacy, Alice?
上述是Catherine Loveday教授的觀點。那什麼是謬誤呢?
It’s a mistaken belief or idea.
And for the famous Oxford English Dictionary– their mistake was to think they would get the work done in five years when it actually took 70!
Gosh! Wow! What a long time! And talking about time – ours is running out – let’s go back to today’s question. I asked: Which American said, "You may delay, but time will not?" Was it … a) John F Kennedy, b) Benjamin Franklin or c) Franklin J Roosevelt?
天啊!好長的時間!說到時間,我們節目的時間也快到了,我們回到今天的問題。我問是誰說的“時不我待”這句話?a) 約翰甘迺迪? b) 本傑明佛蘭克林?還是 c) 佛蘭克林羅斯福?
And I very confidently said John F Kennedy.
Yes, you did. And you were wrong today Rob, I’m afraid.It was Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.Franklin was a leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. I doubt he wasted much waste time procrastinating!
No. OK, without further delay, here are the words we learned today:
procrastination[pro͵kræstəˋneʃən] 拖延症
priority[praɪˋɔrətɪ] 優先考慮
minimize [ˋmɪnə͵maɪz] 最小化
knuckle down 開始認真工作
tedious[ˋtidɪəs] 無聊的
temptation bundling 誘惑捆綁
fallacy [ˋfæləsɪ]  謬誤
Well, that’s the end of today’s 6 Minute English. Please join us again soon!

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