MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):…/2016/20160620sa_earth.mp3
The first life on Earth appeared about four billion years ago. One place these pioneering organisms may have emerged is at hydrothermal vents, deep underwater. Where unusual chemistry provided energy for primitive life-forms to survive. Life-forms like the methane-belching microbes found at the vents today.
Now, for the first time, researchers have found evidence of methane-producing life in similarly extreme conditions, but at the surface of the Earth—at a spring in northern California, called The Cedars. The water there is extremely basic—with a pH of 11.6. And it contains no oxygen. Not an easy place to survive.
Researchers tested water and sediment at the Cedars. Some samples got dosed with mercuric chloride to kill any life present. Those dosed samples produced no methane. But the samples in which microbes were allowed to survive did put out methane. Confirming that at least some of the methane at the springs is indeed biological in origin. The findings appear in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.
研究人員們監測了Cedars那裡的水和沉積物。有些樣本裡添加了mercuric chloride,去除可能存在的生物。這種樣本裡沒有任何的甲烷產生。生存的樣本中,確實產生出甲烷了。這就確認了,至少溫泉裡的有些甲烷氣體確實是生物製造。該研究結果已發表在《地球物理學研究:生物地理科學》雜誌上。
The finding has implications for climate change alleviation. A geologically similar spring in Oman has been proposed as a site for carbon storage—pumping CO2 underground, where it gets incorporated in stone. But the extremophiles at The Cedars can use CO2 to make methane—an even more potent greenhouse gas. "So imagine pumping CO2 into the ground and having it come back up as methane." Penny Morrill, a biogeochemist at Memorial University of Newfoundland. "This will not necessarily happen, but it is something to be tested for before fully implementing a carbon capture and storage technology at one of these types of sites."
該研究提示我們可以緩和氣候變化。在Oman發現的一個與上述地區地理條件極其相似的溫泉也被提出是一個儲存碳元素的位元點——從地下泵出二氧化碳,原來都是被整合在該地區的礦石中。但是Cedars地區的嗜極菌可以利用二氧化碳製造甲烷——這是一種更潛在的溫室氣體。所以可以設想一下向地泵入二氧化碳,之後返回大氣的是甲烷。這是Penny Morrill, 紐芬蘭紀念大學的一位生物地球化學專家。這並不一定會發生,但是在這類地區完全應用碳捕獲以及儲藏技術之前,還是先要檢測一下這種現象的。
Morrill says the study's also a reminder that life is tenacious. "We should not let our biases prevent us from looking for evidence of life in what we would otherwise consider an unexpected place." Including other planets and moons.
Penny Morrill表示,這項研究還提醒我們生命是頑強的。我們不應該讓我們的偏見阻擋住我們在特殊的地方考察生命的跡象。這其中包括其他行星和月球。