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Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Neil...
… and I’m Alice. Neil, what are you eating?
Hmm. Did you know that one of the producers, here, has an allergy to peanuts?
No, I didn’t – but they’re not in the studio with us, so it doesn’t matter, does it?
It only takes a tiny piece of peanut to cause a big allergic reaction in some people. An allergy by the way, is a condition that makes you feel ill after eating, touching or breathing in a particular substance.
And food allergies are the subject of today’s show.
Alright, put your peanuts down, Neil and answer today’s quiz question. What substance is used to treat a severe allergic reaction? Is it…a) penicillin? b) adrenalin? Or c) aspirin?
把你的花生放下,回答今天的問題吧。下列哪個物質可以治療嚴重的過敏反應?a) 青黴素? b) 腎上腺素? 還是c) 阿司匹林?
OK, well, I’m going to go for a) penicillin.
我選a) 青黴素。
Well, we’ll find out if that’s the right answer later on. Now let’s listen to Dr Marianne Williams talking about why being too clean may not be a good thing. She is a dietician here in the UK.
好的,之後看你回答得是否正確。現在我們來聽聽Marianne Williams醫生解釋為什麼食物太乾淨了也不是好事。她是英國的營養學家。
For roughly the first month of life the immune system is switched off in essenceand everything they [babies] get exposed to in that first month in life – dogs, cats, aunts, uncles, grannies, grandpas, family, dirt – everything – that is where they build up all the bacteria that are then going to colonise their gut in the future. Now, if you’re born into a very sterile environment, as is increasingly the case in the western world, everything’s kept terribly clean, and one of the theories is that we just are not getting enough exposure to a variety of bacteria at that very very early stage in that first month of life.
Dr Marianne Williams. The immune system is our body’s defence against infection. And it’s switched off – or not working – for the first month of a baby’s life.
And through exposure to lots of things in our environment – that’s family, pets, dirt and so on – young babies meet different bacteria for the first time which colonise – or live and grow in – their guts.
Yes, but in a sterile environment babies don’t get exposed to – or don’t meet – a wide enough variety of bacteria. Sterile means completely clean and free of bacteria. And there’s a theory that being too clean and bacteria-free – now we have soap, antibiotics and better sanitation – has lead to an increase in allergies.
So dirty play for babies is good – mud, pets, picking stuff up off the floor and eating it.
Did you use to eat food off the floor when you were little, Neil?
Used to? I still do. I enjoy food from the floor!
Well, Neil, what can I say? We’re both lucky to be allergy-free.I have a friend who has an allergy to gluten – a protein found in wheat and some other grains – and she has to be very careful about what she eats so she doesn’t get ill.
The supermarkets are quite helpful, though, aren’t they, with products ’free from this’ and ’free from that’?
This is helpful, yes. But the food industry is now marketing their products to attract consumers who don’t have a proven – or tested – allergy.
Why would you buy free-from foods if you don’t have a food allergy?
Well, people have started to believe that certain foods – like gluten or dairy – are bad for us, though there isn’t any medical evidence to support this. Let’s hear about how rickets – a disease caused by a lack of Vitamin D in the diet – is affecting some children in the UK.
Rickets is common in the developing world but this is London in the 21st century. These children aren’t malnourished because they’re too poor to eat well – it’s the opposite. Their often middle-class parents are spending money to give them foods with ingredients taken out. It’s as if some of us have become unnecessarily frightened of our food.
Rickets usually affects malnourished children from poor countries– children who don’t have enough to eat – and it makes their bones weak. But here in London some parents are buying their children expensive free-from foods – for example to avoid dairy – and are sometimes making them very ill.
It sounds crazy, doesn’t it?
Yeah… it’s nuts! Get it? Nuts.
Very good.
Yes. Nuts - that means crazy. Now I think it’s time for the answer to today’s quiz question.
OK, then. So earlier in the show I asked: What substance is used to treat a severe allergic reaction? Is it… a) penicillin? b) adrenalin? Or c) aspirin?
好的,節目之初我問你:下列哪個物質可以治療嚴重的過敏反應?a) 青黴素? b) 腎上腺素? 還是c) 阿司匹林?
I said a) penicillin.
我選的是a) 青黴素。
And you were wrong, Neil! The correct answer is b) adrenalin. An injection of adrenalin can be used to treat anaphylaxis – or severe allergic reactions – to insect stings, foods, drugs, and other allergens. Antibiotics such as penicillin treat bacterial infections and aspirin is a painkiller you might take for a headache.
你回答錯了。正確答案是b) 腎上腺素。注射腎上腺素可以治療過敏性反映,或因蟲叮、食品、藥品和其他過敏源引起的嚴重過敏反應。抗生素,如青黴素可以治療細菌感染;阿司匹林是止痛片,頭疼時可以服用。
OK, can you tell us the words we heard today again please, Alice?
Sure. They are:
allergy 過敏症
immune system 免疫系統
switched off 關閉
colonise 駐紮
get exposed to 接觸
sterile 無菌的
gluten 穀蛋白
proven 證實
rickets 佝僂病
malnourished 營養不良的
nuts 堅果;瘋了
anaphylaxis 過敏性反應
Well, that’s the end of today’s 6 Minute English. Don’t be afraid to join us again soon.
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