【MEDICINE 醫學】:illness 身體不適
1. coma [ˋkomə] n. 昏厥 ( = unconsciousness;faint)
A person in a coma is in a state of deep unconsciousness.
● oxygen deprivation = hypoxia = hypoxemia 缺氧
● seizure = epileptic 癲癇
2. indigestion [͵ɪndəˋdʒɛstʃən] n. 消化不良
Indigestion pain causes in the region of the stomach not correctly breaking down food.
3. nauseate [ˋnɔsɪet] v. 使…嘔吐 ( = vomit = churn up)
If something nauseates you, it makes you feel as if you are going to vomit. He's nauseated by the smell of meat cooking.
● morning sickness 害喜
● emetic 催吐藥
4. diarrhea [͵daɪəˋriə] n. 瀉肚
Diarrhea is an illness in which the body's solid waste is more liquid than usual and comes out of the body more often.
● antidiarrheal 止瀉藥
● laxative 瀉藥
5. hemorrhage [ˋhɛmərɪdʒ] n. 出血 ( = bleeding)
A patient with internal hemorrhage may go into a condition of shock, and loss of too much blood which may result in death.