
♞ 奧斯卡表演獎提名“太白”遭炮轟 ♞
Jada Pinkett Smith boycotts Oscars for lack of diversity
Jada Pinkett Smith has announced that she will not be attending or watching the 2016 Academy Awards.
♛ 賈達·萍克特·史密斯聲明拒絕參加或觀看2016奧斯卡頒獎禮。
In a video posted to Facebook Monday morning, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the actress posed some powerful, thoughtful questions.
♛ 美籍黑人女演員賈達·萍克特·史密斯於當地時間1月18日一早在Facebook發佈一則視頻。面對鏡頭,她頻頻發問,頗有些振聾發聵的味道。巧的是,那天正好是馬丁·路德·金紀念日。
"Is it time that people of color recognize how much power, influence, that we have amassed, that we no longer need to ask to be invited anywhere?" she said in the video. "Maybe it's time that we recognize that if we love and respect and acknowledge ourselves in the way in which we are asking others to do, that that is the place of true power."
♛ 她在視頻中說:“有色人種是否已經意識到自己手中的力量和影響力了呢?有色人種是否已經意識到我們去任何地方都無需再等待別人邀請?或許,是時候我們愛自己、尊敬自己、認可自己,就像我們要求別人對待我們的那樣,這才是真正力量所在。”
Pinkett Smith called for change, saying that "it's our responsibility now" to make the difference.
♛ 萍克特·史密斯呼籲一種改變,她說做出改變是“我們當前的責任”。
"Begging for acknowledgement, or even asking, diminishes dignity and diminishes power. And we are a dignified people and we are powerful," she said. "Let's do us, differently."
♛ “乞求、甚至是請求別人的認同都會貶低尊嚴,削弱力量。我們有尊嚴,我們也有力量。讓我們就做自己,和別人不一樣的自己。”
Fellow member of Hollywood Spike Lee also addressed the‪#‎OscarsSoWhite‬ controversy this morning, saying that he, too, will be skipping the Awards show this year.
♛ 當天上午,好萊塢黑人導演斯派克·李也在Facebook上就“白人的奧斯卡”發表聲明,稱不會關注今年的奧斯卡頒獎禮。
In an Instagram post, the director condemned Hollywood execs for not using their power to bring more stories about people of color to the big screen.
♛ 斯派克·李還發佈了一條Instagram譴責好萊塢高層未能善用自己的權力,讓更多有色人種的故事走向大銀幕。
"The truth is we ain't in those rooms and until minorities are, the Oscar nominees will remain lilly [sic] white," he wrote.
♛ 他寫道:“事實是,我們還未走進奧斯卡殿堂。而在此之前,奧斯卡提名會一直只選擇白人。”「注:李用“潔白的”(lily)一詞形容白人,不過拼錯了(lilly)。」
Following the backlash of yet another year of #OscarsSoWhite, Jada Pinkett Smith expressed her dismay on the awards' lack of diversity.
♛ 這已是奧斯卡獎第二年遭到“缺乏多樣性”的質疑了。而史密斯本人在此前亦表達過不滿。
The "Magic Mike XXL" actress, 44, sent out a series of tweets over the weekend.
♛ 上週末,這位參演了《魔力麥克2》的44歲女演員連著發了好幾條推特。
"At the Oscars ... people of color are always welcomed to give out awards ... even entertain, but we are rarely recognized for our artistic accomplishments," she wrote, adding, "Should people of color refrain from participating all together?"
♛ 她寫道:“奧斯卡頒獎禮喜歡選擇有色人種作為頒獎嘉賓,甚至是作為表演嘉賓,而我們的藝術成就卻鮮獲認可。有色人種是不是應當聯合起來拒絕參加奧斯卡?”
She continued, "People can only treat us in the way in which we allow. With much respect in the midst of deep disappointment."
♛ “別人只能用我們能接受的方式對待我們。但恕我直言,我對現實很失望。”
Pinkett Smith isn't alone in her thinking. Following the nomination announcement last week, Rev. Al Sharpton slammed the Academy for overlooking black actors.
♛ 這麼想的並不只是萍克特·史密斯一人。上周奧斯卡提名公佈後,阿爾·夏普頓也譴責奧斯卡忽視了黑人演員。
"Yet again, deserving black actors and directors were ignored by the Academy -- which reinforces the fact that there are few, if any, blacks with real power in Hollywood," he said in a statement provided by the National Action Network. "Being left out of awards consideration is about more than just recognition for a job well-done; winning an Oscar has long-lasting cultural and economic impacts."
♛ 在國家行動網路提供的一項聲明中,夏普頓說:“應當獲得奧斯卡榮譽的黑人演員和導演再次被忽視了,這進一步證明好萊塢中有實權的黑人數量極少。被奧斯卡排除在外不只關乎影視事業評價——獲得奧斯卡獎對文化、經濟都有持久影響。”
This year, out of the 20 people nominated in the acting categories at the Oscars none are people of color. None.
♛ 今年,表演類別獎項提名的20人之中沒有一個有色人種,連一個都沒有。
Furthermore, in the nominated films that include non-white cast members, only white contributors have been recognized with nominations. One key exception is Alejandro González Iñárritu, who's up for Best Director for "The Revenant".
♛ 此外,在有非白人參演的被提名電影中,只有白人演員獲得了提名。唯一的例外是亞利桑德羅·岡薩雷斯·伊納裡多,他憑藉《還魂者》獲得本屆奧斯卡最佳導演提名。

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