do/does/did/done 除了當助動詞之外
你知道還能像 really 一樣強調語氣嗎?
還有還有, do 當動詞時,有超多東西都是靠它「做」的
而 done 不僅僅是過去分詞,本身就能形容六種狀態!
沒想到最熟悉的 do/does/did/done 這麼厲害吧?
文章開始之前,先來看看外籍老師怎麼解釋 do 的用法!
基礎文法:助動詞 (Basic English Grammar: What is an auxiliary verb?)
主詞+ do/does/did + not +原型動詞
My parents do not like my boyfriend. They think his tongue is glib.
我爸媽不喜歡我男朋友,他們覺得他很油。Jack does not want to participate any outdoor activities. He’s totally a homebody.
Jack 不想參加任何戶外活動,他完全就是個宅男。Marie did not go to school yesterday because she caught a cold.
Marie 昨天沒去學校,因為她感冒了。
Do/Does/Did +主詞+原型動詞+?
Wh-疑問詞+ do/does/did +主詞+原型動詞+?
Did you watch the latest episode? It’s hilarious.
你看最新一集了嗎?超爆笑的啊!What do you want for Christmas gifts?
你聖誕節想要什麼禮物?Why do Asian people have English names?
老美眼中台灣人取洋名的現象 – Why Do Asian People Have English Names?
Did Emily tell you that she was divorced? No, she didn’t! What happened?
Emily有告訴你她離婚了嗎?沒有!發生什麼事了?John needs a girlfriend more than he does a new computer.
比起新電腦,John更需要一個女朋友。The boy blushed with embarrassment and so did the girl.
Never did I stop loving you.
我從來沒停止愛過你。I did love you, but not anymore now.
我以前很愛你,但現在完全不愛了。She does hate you or she would not speak ill of you.
提醒:加入 do/does/did 強調句子之後,動詞要用原型喔!
一樣都是「做」, do 和 make 常常讓你分不清楚嗎?
我們先把該用 do 的時候列在這邊:
- do the housework 做家事
- do the homework 寫功課
- do business 做生意
- do military service 服兵役
- do an exam 考試
- do an experiment 做實驗
- do research 做研究
- do a survey 做調查
- do an analysis 做分析
- do my make-up 化妝
- do my hair 弄頭髮
- do the dishes 洗碗
- do the laundry 洗衣服
- do the garden 整理花園
- do exercises 做運動
延伸閱讀>>>【生活】你知道 sport 和 exercise 大不同嗎?打保齡球到底是 go bowling 還是 playbowling?運動的動詞用法整理!
至於 make 該什麼時候用呢?影片裡面講得很清楚:
傻傻分不清楚?“Make”和“do”的差別都在這裡!(Common English Expressions with “make” & “do”)
不只「做」, do 還能變化出好多實用片語!
- do someone a favor 幫某人的忙
- do someone good 對某人有好處
- do one’s best / do one’s utmost 盡全力
- do a good job / do well 做得很好
- do harm / do damage 傷害
- do what someone says 照(某人)說的去做
- do away with 終止
The government did away with the law which offsprings forced to follow their father’s familyname long time ago.
- do the trick 起作用
The doctor is professional. His medicine must do the trick for your dad.
- do one’s bit 盡(某人)的一份力量
The problem of Syrian refugees is now a global issue. We should do our bit on this.
延伸閱讀>>>【時事英文】敘利亞難民議題國際發酵,VoiceTube 帶你兩分鐘看懂關鍵單字
- do or die 奮力一搏、不成功毋寧死
He seemed determined to do or die on the last day of combat.
- do in 累垮;做掉(致人於死地);受傷
After writing paper whole day, I’m indeed done in.
寫了一整天的論文,我真的累垮了。The Evil Queen always yearn to do Snow White in.
壞皇后一直想要做掉白雪公主。I accidentally did my ankle in when playing basketball yesterday.
- do without 沒有…也行、將就
I’m able to do the research without sleep for one day, but not for two.
你是不是也有這個困擾!像小編常常在心裡想了一遍這個禮拜要完成的事情,但因為行事曆小本本不在身邊就沒拿筆寫下 To-Do List ,結果走幾步路就全忘記了(大笑)說了兩個多月跟朋友寒假出去玩的訂房傳真到現在都還沒傳出去…到底要怎麼樣才能不會忘記什麼事情等著我去做呢!
超實用!教你如何把事情做好!(How to Get Things Done!)
看完了 do 當動詞的用法,再學 done 有哪些你意想不到的意思!
- 已完成某事的
I’m done with the book.
- 感到太累,不耐煩而不想做某事
I’m so done! Could you just give me a break?
- 吃太飽而不想再吃
I’m done! I’ve already eaten two whole pizzas, 9-ounce steak and seafood spaghetti.
- 與…再無關係
Hey, dude, I’m done with you. Don’t call me again.
- 合乎禮儀的
If you visit your lover’s family without gifts, it isn’t done.
- 煮熟的
The steak is done. You can have it now.
文/ Iris Hu
圖/ visualhunt, CC licensed
來源/ Oxford Dictionary, Starken, ADV Grammar
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