Joe ________ the second time he took the Entrance Examination and was able to attend National Taiwan University.
A) soak B) search C) succeeded D) spare
答案 : succeeded
There is no hurry. We still have some time to __spare______ .
A) soak B) search C) succeeded D) spare
The fibers of cotton fire hoses ________ up enough water to keep them wet
and protect them from the flames.
A) soak B) search C) succeeded D) spare
答案 : soak
The police left no stones unturned to ________ for the missing boy.
A) soak B) search C) succeeded D) spare
答案 : search
Please listen to me carefully. I won't r______t what I say again.
A) relax B) recover C) search D) repeat
答案 : repeat
Living constantly under stress is not good for your health, so you had better sometimes take your mind off your work and _______ .
A) relax B) recover C) search D) repeat
答案 : relax
It took him two years to _______ from the operation.
A) relax B) recover C) search D) repeat
答案 : recover
A white flag ________ surrender.
A) switches B) sustain C) symbolizes D) swollen
答案 : symbolizes
After crying for two hours, Jenny's eyes were really ________.
A) switches B) sustain C) symbolizes D) swollen
答案 : swollen
He usually ________ from the MRT to the 252 bus to his office.
A) switches B) sustain C) symbolizes D) swollen
答案 : switches
He won't ________ his interest in collecting book cards too long because he is always changing his mind.
A) switches B) sustain C) symbolizes D) swollen
答案 : sustain
To everyone's disappointment, nobody ________ in the air crash.
A) surrender B) supervise C) survived D) strengthening
答案 : survived
The boy was the only one that ________ the car accident; both his parents went killed.
A) surrender B) supervise C) survived D) strengthening
答案 : survived
The soldiers refused to ________ they had vowed to fight to the last minute.
A) surrender B) supervise C) survived D) strengthening
答案 : surrender
The young official is assigned to ________ the construction of the new gym.
A) surrender B) supervise C) survived D) strengthening
答案 : supervise
The rainforests ________ southward to the mouth of the river.
A) stretch B) strengthening C) suggested D) suggested
答案 : stretch
The country has been ________ the border defense in preparation for war.
A) stretch B) strengthening C) suggested D) suggested
答案 : strengthening
Mom was annoyed, for I didn't ________ my ties before going out.
A) smiled B) slip C) straighten D) spoil
答案 : straighten
Well goes the saying, "Spare the rod, and ________ the child."
A) smiled B) slip C) straighten D) spoil
答案 : spoil
There is water on the floor. Be careful, or you will ________ .
A) smiled B) slip C) straighten D) spoil
答案 : slip
He and his wife ________ after six years of marriage.
A) scribbled B) ride C) settle D) separated
答案 : separated
Now that the young man already has a nice job and steady income, he wants to get married and ________ down.
A) scribbled B) ride C) settle D) separated
答案 : settle
He reached into his pocket, found a scrap of paper, and ________ on it the address that I asked for.
A) scribbled B) ride C) settle D) separated
答案 : scribbled
My bike was stolen this afternoon, and Tom gave me a _______ home.
A) scribbled B) ride C) settle D) separated
答案 : ride
People _______ against the dictator because of his cruelty.
A) resemble B) require C) revolted D) restored
答案 : revolted
After three hours' blackout, the electricity was finally _______ to normal.
A) resemble B) require C) revolted D) restored
答案 : restored
My students often tell me that I _______ a baseball star a lot in appearance, but I can't agree with them.
A) resemble B) require C) revolted D) restored
答案 : resemble
If you _______ further information, please call the number or e-mail to us.
A) resemble B) require C) revolted D) restored
答案 : require
The word "love" can be _______ by a small red heart, which helps to show one's passion.
A) represent B) reply C) represents D) represented
紅色的心代表著 「愛」,可幫助表達愛意。
答案 : represented
The Four-H Club _______ head, hands, heart and health.
A) represent B) reply C) represents D) represented
答案 : represents
The word "love" can be _______ by a small red heart, which helps to show one's passion.
A) represent B) reply C) represents D) represented
紅色的心代表著 「愛」,可幫助表達愛意。
答案 : represented
The blue dots on the map _______ public conveniences.
A) represent B) reply C) represents D) represented
答案 : represent
週末好好放鬆 (relax) 一下吧!太多的壓力 (stress) 是不好的。
身體在緊張和壓力下會分泌皮質醇 (cortisol) ,它雖然能幫你度過難關,但同時也會有副作用 (side effect),像是抑制免疫反應 (immune response)。
I asked Peggy where she was going, but she didn't _______ and kept on walking.
A) represent B) reply C) represents D) represented
答案 : reply
✿I e-mailed my net pal last Sunday, but she didn't _______ to me.
A) replacing B) reminds C) reply D) replied
答案 : reply
✿I wrote to him two weeks ago, but he hasn't _______ yet.
A) replacing B) reminds C) reply D) replied
答案 : replied
✿With the development of technology, robots are _______ human workers in some dangerous work.
A) replacing B) reminding C) repling D) replying
答案 : replacing
✿Mr. Lee suffers from severe Alzheimer's Disease; his wife has to continually _______ him that she is his wife.
A) replaces B) reminds C) replies D) replied
答案 : reminds
✿My mother_______ my father not to forget their thirty wedding anniversary.
A) relaxed B) rejected C) reminded D) relieved
答案 : reminded
✿Grandmother is forgetful; I have to _______ her when to take medicine.
A) relax B) rejected C) remind D) relieve
答案 : remind [rɪˋmaɪnd]
✿Before you go, I must _______ you to call Tom. Don't forget it.
A) relax B) rejected C) remind D) relieve
答案 : remind
✿The painkiller can _______ you of your toothache.
A) relax B) rejected C) remind D) relieve
答案 : relieve [rɪˋliv]
✿The doctor suggested that I should _______ and stop worrying about my children since they were all adults.
A) relax B) rejected C) remind D) relieve
答案 : relax [rɪˋlæks]
✿To my disappointment, he _______ my offer of expanding his stay in Paris.
A) relaxed B) rejected C) reminded D) relieved
答案 : rejected
The government _____ not taking immediate action to prevent the disease from spreading.
A) reformed B) reflected C) regretted D) registered
答案 : regretted
Travelers who stay overnight have to _______ at the hotel's front desk, which means they have to check in at the hotel.
A) reform B) reflect C) regret D) register
答案 : register[ˋrɛdʒɪstɚ]
The working conditions in the factory have been greatly _______ .
Now it is very comfortable to work there.
A) reformed B) reflected C) regretted D) registered
答案 : reformed [rɪˋfɔrmd]
Little Johnny did something bad and his mommy sent him to his own room to _______ on his misbehavior.
A) reformed B) reflect C) regretted D) register
答案 : reflect [rɪˋflɛkt]
Oil is _______ to remove naturally occuring impurities.
A) recommended B) recognize C) refined D) recycle
油 (經過)提煉以去除一些天然的雜質。
答案 : refined [rɪˋfaɪnd]
To conserve natural resources, we have to _______ all reusable waste materials.
A) recommended B) recognize C) refined D) recycle
答案 : recycle [riˋsaɪk!]
Jane knows about birds well. She can_______ the songs of most birds.
A) recommence B) recognize C) refined D) recycle
答案 : recognize [ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz]
Once they _______ their mistake, they stopped the machine and re-checked it.
A) surgery B) supply C) Realized D) raise
答案 : Realized
Students should _______ their hands before asking questions in class.
A) surgery B) supply C) Realized D) raise
答案 : raise [rez]
The patient will be performed a ________ on his left foot.
The doctor is explaining the details to him.
A) surgery B) supply C) Realized D) raise
答案 : surgery [ˋsɝdʒərɪ]
This brand of wine is in short ________ at the moment, so it is very expensive
A) surgery B) supply C) Realized D) raise
答案 : supply [səˋplaɪ]
The newly-built bullet train runs at the ________ of 300 kilometers an hour.
A) shift B) sense C) speed D) soul
答案 : speed [spid]
It is dangerous for them to drive on the road at full ________ .
A) shift B) sense C) speed D) soul
答案 : speed
The eye is the window of the ________ .
A) shift B) sense C) speed D) soul
答案 : soul [sol]
I am always lost. I really have no ________ of direction.
A) shift B) sense C) speed D) soul
答案 : sense [sɛns]
The meeting will be held on ________. There will be no delay.
A) rock B) research C) schedule D) Rumor
答案 : schedule [ˋskɛdʒʊl]
On the airline ________, I saw that there was a flight to Tokyo at seven o'clock.
A) rock B) research C) schedule D) Rumor
答案 : schedule
______ has it that the movie star committed suicide yesterday.
A) rock B) research C) schedule D) Rumor
答案 : Rumor [ˋrumɚ]
A large _______ fell and blocked the road.
A) rock B) research C) schedule D) Rumor
答案 : rock [rɑk]
According to some_______ by some scholars, lung cancer is caused mainly by smoking.
A) rock B) research C) schedule D) Rumor
答案 : research [rɪˋsɝtʃ]
Those scientists are now carrying out some _______ on the language of dolphins.
They want to find out how dolphins communicate with each other.
A) rock B) research C) schedule D) Rumor
答案 : research
The relief workers made a _______ to the headquarters for more aid.
A) rock B) research C) request D) Rumor
答案 : request [rɪˋkwɛst]
The students couldn't hear the teacher's _______ because they were making too much noise.
A) refusal B) symbol C) request D) report
答案 : request
According to the weather_______, there is a typhoon approaching Taiwan.
A) refusal B) symbol C) request D) report
答案 : report [rɪˋport]
He gave her a huge bunch of red roses as a ________ of his devotion to her.
A) refusal B) symbol C) request D) report
答案 : symbol [ˋsɪmb!]
The changing color of the leaves on the tree is a ________ that it will soon be fall.
A) refusal B) symbol C) request D) report
答案 : symbol
Red roses are often considered a ________ of love.
A) refusal B) symbol C) request D) report
答案 : symbol
It is believed that dragon is an important ________ of the Chinese people.
A) survival B) surroundings C) symbol D) suspension
答案 : symbol
The judge announced a ________ of the baseball game because of the heavy rain.
A) survival B) surroundings C) symbol D) suspension
答案 : suspension [səˋspɛnʃən]
If cancer is spotted earlier, there is a high chance of ________.
A) survival B) surroundings C) symbol D) suspension
答案 : survival [sɚˋvaɪv!]
It is fortunate that we can live in safe and comfortable ______ .
A) survival B) surroundings C) symbol D) suspension
答案 : surroundings [səˋraʊndɪŋz]
When Mr. and Mrs. Hsu retired, they moved to a pleasant neighborhood and enjoy their ________ .
A) supplies B) suffering C) surroundings D) surroundings
答案 : surroundings
Some insects blend in with their ________ so that it's difficult to see them.
A) supplies B) suffering C) surroundings D) surroundings
答案 : surroundings
Most water ________ in Taiwan now do not contain fluoride.
A) supplies B) suffering C) surroundings D) surroundings
答案 : supplies
When touring to the earthquake-stricken area, our President was moved and touched by the ________ of the poor victim family.
A) supplies B) suffering C) surroundings D) surroundings
答案 : suffering [ˋsʌfərɪŋ]
If you want to succeed, there is no ________ for hard work. So, work hard!
A) subscribers B) stuff C) substitute D) substances
答案 : substitute [ˋsʌbstə͵tjut]
Cigarettes contain many harmful ________ , so please stop smoking.
A) subscribers B) stuff C) substitute D) substances
答案 : substances
Do you want to pay for a series of issues of our magazine? We now make a special offer to new ________ .
A) subscribers B) stuff C) substitute [ˋsʌbstə͵tjut] D) substances[ˋsʌbstəns]
答案 : subscribers [səbˋskraɪbɚ]
Wood is the most important building ________ in that area.
A) subscribers B) stuff C) substitute D) substances
答案 : stuff [stʌf]
They served a drink mixed with some blue ________ .
A) subscribers B) stuff C) substitute D) substances
答案 : stuff
Meat should be kept in cold ________ to keep fresh.
A) status B) statement C) storage D) stock
答案 : storage [ˋstorɪdʒ]
The color balloons are out of ________ now; the storeowner sold them all the day before.
A) status B) statement C) storage D) stock
答案 : stock [stɑk]
Doctors have higher ________ than ordinary workers in our country.
A) status B) statement C) storage D) stock
答案 : status [ˋstetəs]
I get a _______ from the bank, which shows how much money has been paid into and taken out.
A) spice B) spellings C) statement D) stage
答案 : statement[ˋstetmənt]
The discussion has proceeded to a ________ where we could reach an agreement.
A) spice B) spellings C) statement D) stage
答案 : stage [stedʒ]
Well goes the proverb, "Variety is the ________ of life."
A) spice B) spellings C) statement D) stage
答案 : spice [spaɪs]
I always get the _______ wrong with words like "custom" or "costume."
A) spice B) spellings C) statement D) stage
我常把 「習慣」跟「服裝」字拼錯。
答案 : spellings
We are in the same ________ at this moment; we have no other choice but to help each other.
A) situational B) silence C) situation D) situate
答案 : situation [͵sɪtʃʊˋeʃən]
Ben's family lives in Taipei, but his boss wants him to work in Kaohsiung. He is in a very difficult _______ now.
A) situation B) silence C) situational D) situationism
答案 : situation
He thought words could not express his ________ .
A) society B) slices C) sorrow D) solution
答案 : sorrow[ˋsɑro]
I walked gently in the quiet woods for fear of breaking the ________.
A) situation B) silence C) situation D) situation
答案 : silence [ˋsaɪləns]
Friends might not be always trust-worthy, but dogs are; they have long
been regarded as the most _______ company of human beings.
A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious
答案 : reliable [rɪˋlaɪəb!]
Well goes the saying, "Speech is silver; ________ is gold."
A) shelter B) service C) silence D) signal
答案 : silence [ˋsaɪləns]
He waved his cap as a ________ to launch the rocket.
A) shelter B) service C) silence D) signal
答案 : signal [ˋsɪgn!]
Some homeless people took ________ in the old temple after the heavy typhoon .
A) shelter B) service C) silence D) signal
答案 : shelter [ˋʃɛltɚ]
The officials were rewarded for their ________ to the government.
A) shelter B) services C) silence D) signal
答案 : services
The food in the restaurant is good, but the ________ is bad. They always keep customers waiting too long.
A) shelter B) service C) silence D) signal
答案 : service [ˋsɝvɪs]
________ of responsibility brought him back to the hospital even though
he was afraid of being infected with the contagious disease.
A) sense B) section C) servant D) separation
I usually read the sports ________ of the newspaper.
A) sense B) section C) servant D) separation
答案 : section [ˋsɛkʃən]
Although she studied in art school, she didn't make enough efforts to study ________.
A) salary B) sacrifice C) sculpture D) scan
Because I didn't have much time, I gave the menu a quick ________ and chose the chicken.
A) salary B) sacrifice C) sculpture D) scan
答案 : scan [skæn]
My company announced that the workers' ________ , a regular payment, will increase 5 percent next year.
A) salary B) sacrifice C) sculpture D) scan
公司宣佈員工的薪水; 一般薪資,將在明年提高百分之五。
答案 : salary [ˋsælərɪ]
At the ________ of his own comfort, he allowed the guest to use his bed.
A) salary B) sacrifice C) sculpture D) scan
答案 : sacrifice [ˋsækrə͵faɪs]
Chain smoking and excessive drinking will _______ your health.
A) Revolution B) revenge C) ruin D) roughness
答案 : ruin [ˋrʊɪn]
His ______ angered everyone present at the party.
A) Revolution B) revenge C) ruin D) roughness
答案 : roughness [ˋrʌfnɪs]
just moved here, and she tried to be ________ to everyone, being
friendly and willing to talk to others. A) sociable B) skillfull C)
specializing D) social
答案 : sociable [ˋsoʃəb!]
The publisher has _____ signed a contract with the new author to publish his new book.
(A) later
(B) already
(C) soon
(D) eventually
She seldom plays basketball, so she isn't ________ at playing it.
A) sociable B) skillfull C) specializing D) social
2.reply to 回信給
3.participant 與會者
6.refreshment 輕食茶點
10.contribute to貢獻給...
Albert Einstein, the author of the Theory of Relativity, made a ________ contribution to physics in the twentieth century. .
A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe
答案 : significant [sɪgˋnɪfəkənt]
She is absent from school today because she is suffering from a ________ toothache.
A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe
答案 : severe [səˋvɪr]
These two brothers had been ________ for 40 years before they met again last week.
A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe
答案 : separated
My mother tells me to keep meat ________ from other food in the refrigerator.
A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe
Why are you so ________ about that old coat? Although it is a gift from you grandfather, it is almost worn out.
A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive
答案 : sentimental[͵sɛntəˋmɛnt!]
Mr. White always wears sunglasses because his eyes are ________ to light.
A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive
答案sensitive [ˋsɛnsətɪv]
The need for reform was ________ . No wonder a large number of people came up with their opinions.
A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive
答案self-evident [͵sɛlfˋɛvədənt]
Tim doesn't like to eat beef, so his wife _______ makes steak.
A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive
答案seldom [ˋsɛldəm]
Tom loves his English teacher but dare not tell her the truth. He is a ________ admirer of her.
A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied
答案 secret [ˋsikrɪt]
The teacher was not ________ with my history report. She asked me to rewrite it.
A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied
答案 satisfied
Both the Bible and the Koran are regarded as ________ books.
A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied
「聖經」與 「可蘭經」都被視為聖書。
Don't believe him. What he said just now was _______.
A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied
答案 : rubbish [ˋrʌbɪʃ]
It's too ______ to do the bungee jumping from the cliff.
A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous
答案 : risky [ˋrɪskɪ]
The cowboy looked ________ in that strange-looking hat.
A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous
答案 : ridiculous [rɪˋdɪkjələs]